At the meeting of 16 April 2013 the pedagogical working groups N/P and S identified the following points to be added to the agenda of the Joint Education Council on 25 April 2013:
- Establishment of a SWALS working group for secondary: parents see a need for this because the problems for SWALS in secondary are different from those in primary.
- Establishment of a Sexual Education working group for secondary: parents see a need for this because children are of an age where these issue are increasingly important.
- Planning of school trips: parents are wondering what are the criteria of choosing the destinations. These do not always seem obvious. Furthermore, a number of parents find the prices high. Can we have some information on how the calculation is done? Some parents want to know why parents are not involved in the planning.
- State of play of timetable for next year (S, N/P) and impacts on lunchtime activities, options and support classes.
APEEE representatives: Nigel Freake, Martina Sindelar
Parent representatives: Katrin Mahrenholz (D), Iseult Hudson Lennon (EN), Anne-Marie Bagieu (FR), Veronica Gavriliadis (FR)
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