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** Departure and arrival times

The departure and arrival times are mentioned in the ‘D-column’ on the following webpages:

– Morning route (AM): Morning stops, maps, and departure times 

– Afternoon routes (PM): Afternoon stops, maps, and arrival times

These times are ‘as accurate as possible’. All 27 routes to Laeken are new and traffic situations cannot be predicted. Bus drivers, monitors, parents and all children need to adjust to a completely new system and it is very unlikely that everything will be perfect on the first day.

The timetables will be closely monitored in the first few weeks. Parents will be informed of changes as the service settles into a pattern.

** First week of school: Lessons on Tuesday and Friday finish early

On Tuesday September 4, lessons will end at 12:35. APEEE busses will follow the Wednesday timetable.

On Friday September 7, lessons will end at 12:45. APEEE busses will follow the Wednesday timetable.

** Safety and timing

The timing at the bus stops is short so we can keep the travel time to a minimum. Ensure that you and your child are at the bus stop before the bus arrives and let your child get on the bus by himself/herself. The driver and monitor will make sure he/she has his/her seatbelt on. Parents are strictly forbidden to board the bus as this will significantly delay the bus.

** Contacting the APEEE

Due to the move to Laeken the APEEE is very difficult to reach by phone. Please check the APEEE website for more information and up-to-date phone numbers.

** Payment deadlines: annual membership fee and transport costs

All families need to pay the annual membership fee to the parents association (one payment per family) before 1 September 2012. The fee is € 50. The APEEE-membership fee bank account number is BE 34 132531545590, the BIC is BNAGBEBB. State the name(s) of your child(ren) in the message field on the transfer. 

If you have to pay transport costs because you are not reimbursed by your employer, you must pay an initial installment of € 600 by 15 Sept 2012. If you have to pay for a second line or a line to after-school child care (garderie), please pay an initial installment of € 390 by 15 Sept 2012. The transport bank account number is BE25 1325 3154 4782, the BIC is BNAGBEBB. State the name(s) of your child(ren) in the message field on the transfer. We cannot yet provide the final price of the other two installments payable this year. We will be in contact again before the next payment deadlines (15 Jan 2013 and 15 March 2013). 

We are a small association and cannot afford late payment – it jeopardizes the smooth running of the services, wastes valuable staff time checking and chasing payments, and is not fair to the other families. Persistent late payment or non-payment will be treated strictly – your child may be refused access to the bus.

** Further steps

In in October/November, there will be a thorough review of the bus service. All ‘requests for changes’ that have been submitted and the experience gained in the first months will be taken into account. The ‘APEEE badge’ for the bus service and the canteen will be examined too.

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