Message from the APEEE office


Dear parents,

We are aware there are a number of problems this year with the start-up of the APEEE bus transport service. These are due to various reasons , amongst the most important:

  • the new time schedule of the school for which it is still unclear as to which children are affected on which days
  • the numerous construction/work roads sites in Brussels
  • our IT system not ready to support multiple departures in the afternoon.

We have recognized these problems and are working to solve them. We estimate that the situation will remain difficult for another 2 weeks before we have addressed all overbooking problems. The IT system has to undergo some changes due for the end of the year. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about the construction sites.

We kindly ask for your understanding and patience and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Eric Piettre on behalf of the APEEE

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