Touch Rugby

Do you want to unwind and discover rugby, without impact or tackling? Join the Touch Rugby activity!


With Kevin:

P3-P5, Monday, 15h10-16h10


With Kevin:

S1-S3 : Thursday, 16h10 – 17h30

1st semester:

Touch Rugby is a sport in the rugby family characterised by the absence of violence. As violent contact is prohibited, touch rugby can be played by both men and women.

Beyond the sports aspect, Touch Rugby is a sport that teaches children fundamental values such as respect, fraternity and team spirit.

The first part of the year is devoted to discovering Touch Rugby in its entirety, by mastering the rules of the game, handling the oval ball, learning to pass backwards, different movements and dodging techniques.

2nd semester:

Starting with the second half of the year, the techniques learnt in the first half will be put into practice in game phases.

The children will be introduced to belting (using foam pads) and stabilising scrums!

By practising this discipline, children will gain in skill, technique, balance, power and speed!