Theatre in English

Do you want to play in a theatre show ? Imagination, creativity and collective work are at the heart of the theatrical game. Children develop self-confidence as well as artistic, social and relational skills.

The theatre course in English is intended for students with a good command of the language.


With David:

P1 – P2 : Friday, 14h00 – 15h00

P3 – P5 : Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

P3 – P5 : Thursday, 15h10 – 16h10


With David:

S1-S3 : Thursday, 16h10 – 17h30

With David

1st term

The aim of the first term is to break down the barriers between the students and give them the necessary confidence to appear before an audience.

At the beginning of the year the group gets to know each other and discover the theatre world. To do so, they do games to get to know each other, concentration games, role-playing games, etc. Towards the end of the first term, the group begins to discuss the show, which will be presented on Performing Arts Day.

2nd term

The aim of the second term is the theatre show preparation.

During the second term, the students start preparing their show. It is a collection of rhymes, jokes, tongue-twisters, as well as an ensemble piece of singing and lasts about 20-30 minutes, to give enough material to each student.  Each week, they gradually prepare the show until the end of the second term, when they present it during Performing Arts Day.

3rd term

The aim of the third term is to deepen their knowledge of theatre in a fun way.

At the end of the year and after the show, the activities become less intense. It’s time to have fun after class with games and exercises. But they also learn from the show. Theatre is an activity that allows students to improve their self-confidence and their oral presentation skills after playing a role in front of an audience and to meet new friends on the way.