Many of you registered your children for the 2022 Summer Camp organised by APEEE, and most of you unfortunately were not granted a place due to the limited number of places available. We understand your frustration and would therefore like to give you more details about the procedure used and possible next steps.
We wish to remind you that the Summer Camp is organised to give S1-S4 students the possibility of participating in extracurricular activities during the exam period for S5-S7 since those students do not have class during that period. This Summer Camp is a unique service run by our APEEE, separate from the regular services of transport, cantine, and periscolaire offered to families during the year.
However, for logistical reasons (availability of rooms and monitors, capacity of off-campus activities as well as requirement for silence on campus during the exam period), the number of activities and participants must be limited.
Given the sanitary situation, the decision to organise the Summer Camp this year was taken very late. The last version took place in June 2019: the 56 places available were filled in 18 days, payments arrived very slowly and several payments even arrived after the start of the Camp. This limited interest, as well as logistical restrictions on campus and for the off-campus activities, meant that we needed to keep the number of places limited to 56 and to modify the enrolment procedure to try to better ensure full payment from participants before the start of the Camp.
Because it is a unique self-funding service, the APEEE prioritized proof of payment in its two-step enrollment procedure rather than inscription first, as is done in the regular services during the school year. However, this two-step procedure was rather insufficiently explained to parents in advance and proved too complicated faced with the deluge of enrollments that Periscolaire then received. For acceptance of registration, the first step was to pay the amount due to the extracurricular bank account. The second step was to send an email to the address specifying that the transfer had been made. However, we recognize that the registration procedure was not clear enough and could have been subject to interpretation. Lessons have been identified and discussed, and the APEEE will implement a more streamlined enrollment procedure for the Camp in 2023, if it is held.
In order to try and meet the very increased need this year, we have looked into the possibility of increasing the size of the groups. However, due to the limited availability of rooms and buses and also for security reasons (monitors during the off-campus activities), the APEEE is unfortunately not able to increase the numbers for this year’s Summer Camp.
Given this situation, we have tried our best to find alternative solutions. Upon our request, Action Sport has put together a summer camp/stage offer for the students of the European Schools at their site in Molenbeek from 21 to 30 June. The cost is 150 Euros/week. Please note, however, that the APEEE is not involved in the organization of this camp/stage and any questions should be addressed directly to Action Sport. More information is available at the following link:
The stage is available individually for each week, please click on the first two green “checks” to find out more.
We would also like to inform you that we are working hard on the reimbursement of payments made by parents who did not receive a place in the Summer Camp, and you will receive this reimbursement in the course of next week.
Last but not least, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you that Périscolaire Services is actively preparing events for the Performing Arts Day that will take place on 18 June, and we hope very much to see you there!
We are also busy preparing the Extracurricular programme for next year. Online registration for these courses will open on 20th June.
Kind regards from APEEE Périscolaire Services.