

After a three-year break, the school party was back.

Somerfesto 2023 took place on Saturday 6 May 2023, from 12pm to 5pm.

What is Somerfesto? It’s a day of sharing, fun and activities, not forgetting the European food stands! The idea behind the day is for everyone to have fun, both young and old.

After a three-year break, the school party was back.

Somerfesto 2023 took place on Saturday 6 May 2023, from 12pm to 5pm.

What is Somerfesto? It’s a day of sharing, fun and activities, not forgetting the European food stands! The idea behind the day is for everyone to have fun, both young and old.

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Somerfesto 2020, which was scheduled to take place on May 9, from 1 to 6 pm, was cancelled.

School party : 

The annual school party for the 2018-2019 school year took place on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th May 2019. The theme of the year was “Green Europe”.

Pre-Somerfesto Jazz Café and P5-S4 discos will take place on Friday the 17th of May and Somerfesto will be held on Saturday the 18th of May (activities, food stands and S5-S6 disco).

The program :

Friday 17th of May Saturday 18th of May Sunday 19th of May
5pm – 10:30pm : Set up (tents, tables, barriers)

6pm – 8pm : Disco P5-S2

6pm – 10pm : Jazz café for parents

8:30pm – 10:30pm : Disco S3-S4

8am – 12pm : Set up (tents, tables, chairs, barriers, food stands, bouncy castles, etc.)12pm – 5pm : Somerfesto – activités and food stands

5pm – 8pm : tournaments and clear up (tents, tables, chairs, barriers, bouncy castles, etc.)

8pm – midnight : Disco S5-S6

11am – 2pm : School clean up Brunch


Somerfesto 2019 Comittee :

  • General coordinator – Ambar Liétar 
  • Treasurer – Graziella Rizza
  • IT coordinateur – Alexandre Grigorescu
  • Direction representatives – Manuel Bordoy & Dominique Cheron
  • Parent representative nursery – Dana Adriana Puia Morel
  • Parent representative primary – Jackie Rowland & Diane Werhert
  • Parent representative secondary – Angela Muraca
  • Teacher representative nursery and primary – Ana Maria Parvu
  • Teacher representative secondary – Gert-Jan De Jong
  • Students representatives – Samantha Isselee (S6) & Ana Fernandez (S6) 

School party : 

On May 26, 2018, the 10th edition of Somerfesto took place! Almost 2500 people came to enjoy this day: eat some culinary specialties from all over Europe, share good times with their family and other parents.

Thank you to everyone who showed up and contributed to the smooth running of this beautiful day, thank you to the school for helping with the whole installation and many thanks to all the volunteers who made this day possible.

You can be really proud of all the smiles you put on children’s faces.

See you next year!