Ski Trip 2020




From Saturday February 22nd to Saturday February 29th, 2020.

22nd February: Departure on Saturday evening and arrival on Sunday morning.
29th February: Departure on Saturday morning and arrival on Saturday evening.


UCPA – La Norma – Alpes françaises – 73500 Villa Rodin – Bourguet – France.


S4, S5, S6 and S7 students from the European school of Brussels IV (Laeken).


850 € for APEEE’s members. 
(If you are not yet a member of the APEEE, you would need to pay the yearly contribution (50€) per family. More information about the membership, please check here >)



  • Road trip transportation by bus from the European School of Brussels IV to “La Norma” (+-/ 12 hours ride).
  • A “full-time” formula with 20 hours of UCPA teaching. A UCPA monitor for 10 to 12 students. Evolution by level group from beginners to experts.
  • 7 days/7 nights in shared rooms from Sunday to Saturday for all attendees.
  • Full board including breakfast, lunch and dinner from Sunday morning to Saturday lunch.
  • Full supervision: UCPA sports supervision (UCPA monitors) + BAFA monitors and 5 APEEE supervisors.
  • Lift pass for 5 days from Monday to Friday.
  • Loan ski/snow equipment 5 days (ski, poles, shoes and helmets) + possibility to snowboard too (+15€).
  • After-ski activities: 6 events from 5PM to 7PM and 6 evening’s entertainment. The atmosphere: spaces designed to meet up after the skiing day.
  • Insurance and assistance in case of accident, early return, repatriation, baggage loss and group cancellation.



  • Altitude 2,750m to 1,350m
  • 65 km of slopes
  • 27 slopes of all levels
  • 1,400m of vertical drop



To validate your subscription, you would need to transfer the amount of 850€ to the extracurricular bank account BE45 1325 3154 5489 before the 20th of December 2019. Please note in the following communication: Ski trip 2020 + Last name + First name + Class

If your child gets a place for this trip, you will receive a confirmation by the extracurricular office via email.

Only 53 students can participate to this trip. Given the success of previous years, we have decided to set up a waiting list for those who do not get a place – based on a first payment received, first served basis.

Please note that if you have question regarding the payment, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help: