Report of the project Philo Day 2022

Report of the project Philo Day 2022

Philosophy day is an event which took place on the 16th and the 17th of March 2022 for almost 250 students.

Students and teachers from other European Schools, and other schools in Belgium were invited to present and discuss contemporary issues using philosophical ideals. In addition, external university professors were invited to introduce more “in-depth” topics. The main objectives of this event are to encourage students to work with others in a team and deepen their appreciation for philosophy. Furthermore, the Philosophy Day event gives the opportunity to improve our school’s reputation.

The student volunteers of Philoday were given the chance to develop useful skills such as communication, problem-solving and teamwork. The team leaders, each of which were responsible for various aspects of the event such as managing the volunteers, organising the workshops, logistics etc. were able to experience a leadership role and develop their teamwork skills.

Through the general assembly lectures and workshops, participants of philoday were able to partake in academic conferences as audience members. In addition, they were also presented with the opportunity to hold their own workshop and present a subject which they are passionate about. Students could also act as members of the philosophy commission and/or competitors in the EDI. In general Philo Day was a unique experience which encouraged students to broaden their horizons, acquire new knowledge and pursue and nurture their interests. An event like Philo Day enhances the image of the school and encourages inter-school exchanges.

  • Mr. CAPILI – Coordinator
    “I thank the school administration for their financial, moral, and institutional support, as well as the APEEE for having been a reliable partner in all three editions of PhiloDay. Of course, the students deserve the most thanks for their commitment and the joy they bring into this event.” 
  • Mr. CASTORINI – Coordinator
    “This third edition of PhiloDay – the second fully online edition – was a wonderful success. With nearly 250 participants, including listeners grouped by class under the sole registration of their teacher, and eleven participating schools, we can be happy to see this event take the form of a real annual meeting. The participation of researchers and university professors, the involvement of students from the various European schools in the Philosophy Commission, the EDI, the workshops, the plenary lectures, this happy collaboration between the academic world and young enthusiasts was, once again, a winning formula. We are proud of our Core Team, composed of 14 profiles rich in initiative and dedication. PhiloDay would be nothing without them. All this is only possible thanks to the generous and trusting support of the school management and administration, as well as the APEEE and the General Secretariat, through whom the idea takes shape. We look forward to PhiloDay 2023!” 


  • PhiloDay, an overwhelming experience that achieves each year to make philosophy become something that unifies people all over Europe across all the European Schools. An unforgettable experience, with people with whom I’ve already made a big part of my path in life and that will definitely leave a mark. The stress levels felt during those two days were worth it and seeing the smiles of people online and in situ, and especially of Mr Capili, Mr Castorini and all the Team Leaders made it even better.” 
  • “Philoday was and always will be an original and beautiful experience, I will miss and never forget. I really enjoyed working with the core team and listening to the workshops, EDI participants, etc…. I hope Philoday will continue the same way in the future and that new people will have enjoy organising the day and taking part in it.” 
  • “The second edition of the Philosophy Commission was very successful! The subject of ‘Hybridity’ posed as a very interesting and engaging topic of discussion and we were able to carry out several thought-provoking and fruitful debates. Altogether, 3 out of 6 position papers presented by the 15 members of the Philosophy Commission were passed and additionally, one of our members wrote a dissenting paper in relation to one of the papers passed. At one of the general assembles, 2 of the passed position papers and the dissenting paper were read and summarised to the public by their respective authors. We then had a very interactive Q&A session between the authors and the public. All in all, it has been an enlightening and appreciable experience organising the Philosophy Commission 2022 and I am looking forward to the Philosophy Commission 2023!!” 
  • “Philoday is a unique way of connecting different schools through philosophy, a universal language that everybody understands. Having helped organizing this event makes me incredibly proud and taught me qualities that will be useful in the future, too.” 

Third parties feedback

  • “It was really a breath of fresh air to work with you all. Andriana Giotopoulou and Francesca Lemaître  were perfect hosts and made me feel welcome and at ease, while they were quite efficient in solving some technical problems I encountered at the beginning. They also posed important questions and helped me clarify some aspects of my presentation. Overall, I felt really happy, honored and privileged that I was able to share my thoughts and my expertise with you.  I would do it again with great pleasure!” – Angelos MOUZAKITIS (workshop speaker)
  • “The MS Teams platform was not conducive at all for interaction, and having all participants with their cameras off did not help. But overall it was a great experience and I appreciated the interaction towards the end of the session.” – Jacklyn CLEOFAS (workshop speaker)