President Dan Nicolae’s Message

Dear Parents,

About three weeks ago, I became your new APEEE President after our former president, Stephanie Buus, stepped down.

It will not be easy to replace her. I think that I speak not only on my behalf, but also on behalf of my colleagues on the Board, when I express my sincere gratitude for her work. She took on the role as president with dedication, grace and seriousness. More than this, I really appreciated her amazing ability to connect us and to wisely support our Association’s actions.

As I embark on my role as your APEEE President, I am looking forward to continuing the partnerships we have established with the school, our amazing teachers, parents and our invaluable staff to enable an excellent learning experience for our children.

I already come with an experience of more than two years as APEEE Vice-president and I will build on that experience to enhance the role of our community, in a spirit of collaboration and compromise. 

I have not accepted this role light-heartedly, as I know very well that it comes with a tremendous responsibility. It will not always be easy, but I will do my best to ensure that the solutions that we find to our community problems are the best that we can achieve. 

As a father, I understand the key role parents play in supporting the school to ensure that our children get the most out of their school experience. Our school and teachers are fully dedicated to that goal, and with our active participation we can contribute to enhancing that experience.

Your voice (as well as your time) in this process are always important, including by participating in different events, experiences, and engagement to the greater Laeken community. I look forward to involving you all in this process and thank you in advance for your participation.

By way of closing, let me also take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful and blessed Easter break! 

With my best wishes,

Dan Nicolae, President of the APEEE of Brussels IV