The APEEE and the school
If, as parents, you encounter an educational concern, the APEEE wishes to make it clear to all parents that it is at their disposal to help them.
Parents can indeed confidently and confidentially contact the APEEE on subjects such as the transition to secondary school (read our detailed article on this subject), repeating a year (see our article dedicated to school repetition) and the passage to a disciplinary council where the child can be defended by a teacher or by a representative of the APEEE. The latter can explain to the parents the procedure and the rules in force, help them prepare the Disciplinary Board, help them prepare their child’s defence if they do not wish to call on a teacher, explain the possible sanctions and their consequences, explain the possibilities of appeal and eventually guide them in this procedure.
Regarding the SWALS students (Students Without A Language Section), they can be given extra lessons, where necessary, to help them cope with any language difficulties they may face in non-mother tongue classes. The SWALS coordinator informs the subject teachers of any “SWALS” in their class, checks on their progress during the year and where necessary organises extra support.