Learn and play in English

Do you want to speak English? This course offers children an opportunity to learn Shakespeare's language through a variety of fun activities (board games, role-playing, songs, etc.).


With TBC:

Monday, 15h10 – 16h10


With TBC:

P1-P2 : Monday, 15h10 – 16h10

With Mila : 

P3-P5 : Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

1st semester

The goal of the first semester is to help children acquire more English vocabulary while improving their pronunciation and spelling to encourage them to practice and improve their comprehension.

The first semester programme covers several essential topics of life and helps to discover English culture. Games and fun activities encourage students to interact and communicate. This is a good way to get them talking, while being spontaneous and creative. Every week new games appear according to the theme of the day. These games allow students to express themselves and start a dialogue: greetings and introductions, numbers, colours, body parts, clothes, food (preferences, likes/dislikes), family and home, and friends. Depending on the levels and interests of the children, the difficulty of the vocabulary will be adapted.

2nd semester

The objective of the second semester is to deepen the knowledge acquired at the beginning of the year and to enrich the vocabulary.

The programme for the second half of the year is still based on fun activities. They learn new words and structures such as questions and answers, they develop their grammatical knowledge with an introduction to other tenses (past and future) by tackling pleasant themes such as animals, activities (hobbies and sports), school and holidays (months, seasons, weather), etc…