IMPORTANT – Transport – Fridays 23 and 30 June

We would like to inform you of the special arrangements concerning the end of school hours for Fridays 23 and 30 June, in the absence of extracurricular activities.

As a reminder, extracurricular activities end this Friday 16 June.

For nursery and P1-P2 pupils, classes will end at 12:45 as they do every Friday. In the absence of extracurricular activities, there are three options available for the return of your children:

  1. You can collect them from school.
  2. If you have previously booked a place at the OIB garderie or the Merode drop-off bus, your children will be able to catch the bus at 1pm. Please check your booking.
  3. It is also possible to choose the “Bus drop off Merode” option at 1pm. In this case, please buy tickets from the transport service, keeping in mind that places are limited.

Pupils from P3 to P5, who will have finished lessons at 3:05pm on that day and have no extracurricular activities, will be able to take the 3:20pm bus if they are already registered for the first departure on the other days of the week.

Students in S1 to S7 will finish their lessons at 12:35. There will be no bus departure at 16:10. For their return, you have three options:

  1. You can collect your children from school from 12:35.
  2. Students can use public transport.
  3. Students have the option of taking the 3.20pm bus. Places will be available first for S1-S2. If there are any left over, S3-S7 will be able to use the bus under the usual conditions:
    – Write a note in the class diary authorising your child (first name, surname) to leave the school at 3:20 pm.
    – Indicate in this authorisation the bus number and the code of the 1st departure stop corresponding to the one chosen for the whole year.
    – Your child must then come to the transport office (S building) during the morning break to have your authorisation validated (APEEE Transport stamp).
    – Only then will your child be allowed to take the bus on presentation of the note and stamp and on the only condition that there are still places available once all the children from the first departure (Nursery to S2) have been given priority boarding.

Thank you for taking note of this important information.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: