REGISTRATION: I wish to register my child for an extracurricular activity

1) Where can I find the list of activities proposed?

All the organised activities can be found on the APEEE website, in the extracurricular section: Our activities >

You will find the timetables of the activities, classified by school level, as well as the programme of the different activities divided by field.

Private lessons are also available, you will find all the possibilities on this page: Our private lessons >

2) When can I register my child?

The opening date of the registration may vary from year to year.

The launch of registrations is announced on the APEEE website, on the Facebook page and is also communicated by email to parents registered with the APEEE.

3) Where can I register my child for extracurricular activities ?

Registration can be done on our online registration website >

4) Can I register my child during the year?

It is possible to register your child for activities throughout the school year as long as places are still available.

The price of the activity will be adapted according to the period of the year, which is divided into 3 terms.

5) Can I try an activity first before signing up?

During the year, it is possible to try a maximum of 3 group activities or private lessons, subject to availability.

Please contact the extracurricular service if you wish to register your child for a trial class.

The fees for a trial lesson can be found on this page: Prices and payment >

6) When and how do I pay for my registration?

Payment must be made to the extracurricular activities bank account (BE45 1325 3154 5489) within two weeks following receipt of the payment request sent by e-mail.

It is important to use the structured communication indicated.

7) When will I know if my child has a place in the chosen activity?

When you make an order, as long as the activity has not reached the minimum number of participants required, it remains in process.

If an activity can be launched, you will receive a request for payment and from that moment on the place in the activity will be guaranteed for your child. However, a registration will only be considered definitive once payment has been received.

8) What is the meaning of the statuses related to my registration?

When you order an extracurricular activity, several registration statuses are possible, depending on the situation.

The meaning of the different statuses can be read in the Glossary >

9) Is it possible to change activities during the year?

It is possible to change activities once, as long as there is space in the new activity.

If the new activity costs more than the first, the difference must be paid. If the price is lower, no refund will be given.

10) Is it possible to cancel my registration?

It is possible to cancel your registration until the day the extracurricular activities start. After that, cancellation is no longer possible, and the total amount of the activity remains due.

11) Will I be reimbursed if my child wishes to stop the activity?

You can withdraw your child from an activity. However, there is no refund, except in the following cases:

  • if the child leaves the school
  • if a medical certificate justifies the impossibility of continuing the activity until the end of the school year.

12) When can my child start their activity?

Your child can take part in the activity as soon as payment for the activity has been received.

TRANSPORT: I want my child to take the bus after the activity

13) Can my child take a bus after their extracurricular activity?

Yes, pupils participating in an extracurricular activity can use the second departure at 16.10 as long as places are available and they are registered for transport.

However, please note that the second departure is dedicated to secondary students and that the stops served are not necessarily the same as those of the first departure (15.20).

It is therefore possible that your stop will not be served. If this is the case, the Transport Department will contact you to inform you about alternative stops.

14) Is there a bus on Wednesday afternoons?

The transport service does not provide a bus service on Wednesday afternoons. That’s why the extracurricular service proposes two shuttles from the school at 3.50 pm to the central garderies and at 4.30 pm to Merode for pupils participating in extracurricular activities.

These shuttles will only be launched if a minimum of 12 pupils are registered.


15) How does my child get to their activity?

The school’s teachers bring their pupils to the meeting points located in the common room for nursery pupils and under the canteen’s courtyard for primary pupils.

The children go next to the sign that corresponds to their activity and meet their extracurricular monitors there.

16) How long does an activity last?

The activity lasts approximately 50 minutes.

The extracurricular service starts at the meeting point until the children are taken to the bus, the childcare centre or to their parents at the school gate.

17) In what languages are the activities taught?

The monitors adapt to their group, the activities are generally taught in French and English.

Some activities are taught in specific languages, for example in Romanian, Greek or Italian.

18) Does my child need to bring special clothing for sports activities?

Some activities require specific clothing for the activity. The monitor will inform the children at the beginning of the year.

For other activities, it is advisable to bring sportswear: trainers, t-shirt, shorts/sports trousers, to be adapted according to the season.

19) Who is my child's monitor?

To find out who your child’s monitor is, please visit the activity description, first selecting the activity area: Our activities >

Once on the activity sheet, you will find the name of the monitor(s). By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the monitor’s presentation.

You can also discover our monitors by consulting this page: Our teachers >

20) Is it possible to meet the teacher of the activity?

At the moment it is not allowed to enter the school premises, which excludes visiting an activity. However, it is usually possible to meet the monitor on Performing Arts Day, a day organised in the spring when the children and their monitor present a show, their achievements, demonstrations, etc.

If parents would like to get in touch with a monitor, they should make a request to the extracurricular service: periscolaire@bru4.eu

21) Can I suggest an activity?

We are always looking for new ideas!

Anyone – parent, student, monitor – can propose an activity. However, in order for the activity to be launched, a group of at least 8 participants must be formed.

If you have a proposal, please send it to periscolaire@bru4.eu

22) What should I do if my child encounters a problem during the activity?

We are available to solve any problem. Please inform us at periscolaire@bru4.eu