Extracurricular Activities: Programme 2024-2025

Registration for the extracurricular activities service of the APEEE of Brussels IV for the school year 2024-2025 will be open on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 10am.

The new program of activities for 2024-2025 is online on our website.

For more information on the organisation of extracurricular activities, please consult the practical guide.
Before enrolling, remember to become a member of the APEEE or to renew your membership fee. If your membership fee is not in order, you will not be able to register. 

How to register for the extracurricular activities service?

  1. Go to our online registration system: Log in to your APEEE account >
  2. Check if your profile information is up to date and change it if necessary. 
  3. Renew your APEEE membership fee. Please make sure to use the number of the structured communication that you will find on the payment notice. A membership per household and per school year is requested. The membership opens access to our services.   
  4. Having carefully read the rules, register your child to the extracurricular activities service from Tuesday, June 11th 2024 at 10am.

I register my child for extracurricular activities

Any questions? Feel free to consult our FAQ section >