Conference on Disability

Date: Tuesday, 12 December, 2017 – 08:45 to 17:00

The PMO, in collaboration with DG HR, is delighted to announce the first Inter-Interinstitutional Conference on Disability

The main objective of this year’s conference is focused on recognition of disability in Belgium.

The event will be interactive, staff members of all the Institutions who are directly or indirectly concerned with the question of disability are invited to attend.

Speakers from the Belgian federal and regional authorities will give presentations on the support available to the parents of children with a disability (ASAH, SUSA, PREBS, INCLUSION ….)

Another session will be an exchange with the EC Disability Support Group, PMO, HR and colleagues from the social services of the EEAS, EP, Council, CES and CoR – in order to answer as many questions as possible.

The second important objective is to introduce colleagues to the services offered by our Institutions and for these services to listen to the comments and concerns of colleagues in order to ensure that administrative files are dealt with in the most efficient way possible in the future.


08:45: Accueil café, thé, eaux plate et pétillante, jus d’oranges et mini viennoiseries

09:30: Ouverture par Mme Veronica Gaffey, Directrice du PMO et  M. Fernando Garcia Ferreiro, Directeur Health & Wellbeing de la DG HR
10:00: SPF Sécurité Sociale DG HAN : intervention de M. Gubbels André (Directeur Général) et son équipe sur la reconnaissance du handicap en Belgique au niveau fédéral
10:45: PHARE : M. Alain Thirion, Conseiller Chef de Service (;  AVIQ : Mme Sophie Rucquoy, Directrice des services pour “majeurs” ; VAPH (orateur à confirmer)
11:45: ASAH et SUSA : Mme Christelle Ninforge, Administratrice de l’association ASAH  et Directrice du SUSA Bruxelles
12:30: Lunch, baguettines garnies, jus d’oranges, eaux, pâtisseries, café
14:30: PREBS : Mme Isabelle Resplendino Présidente et M. Thierry Marchand, Administrateur délégué de la Fondation PREBS
15:15: Inclusion : M. Thomas Dabeux,  Chef du département Recherche et Analyses de l’asbl Inclusion :
15:45: DG EMPL
16:00: EC Disability Group/ASDEC/PMO/HR : Questions-Réponses
17:00: Clôture par Mme Veronica Gaffey

Adresse : Bâtiment Charlemagne : Rue de la Loi 170 – 1000 Bruxelles – Salle : Alcide de Gasperi (S3)

Translation : FR-EN-NL