What is Somerfesto? It’s a day of sharing, joie de vivre and activities, not forgetting the European-style food stalls! The main idea of the day is for everyone to have fun, young and old alike.
The Somerfesto Committee is happy to announce the winner of the Somerfesto 2025 logo contest!
This year, students from P2 to S5 have submitted their logo designs. The impressive variety and creativity displayed in the drawings, paintings and digitally created logos made for some tough competition and the choice was not easy.
Congratulations and a big thank you, Säde Tiidemann, in S3 ETa, for designing the official logo for Somerfesto 2025!
From now on, it will be featured in all our communications, on our website and, of course, during Somerfesto on 17 May 2025.
We thank all participants for their lovely logos.