Comic & Illustration

"Would you like to discover the world of images, with or without text, in black and white or in colour, alone or in several sequences? Since the beginning of mankind, man has told his stories in drawings, engravings or paintings. Now it's your turn to tell your own!"

With Cindy Berthet:

P3-P5 : Thursday, 15h10 – 16h10

1st semester

The objective of the first semester is to discover graphic styles, techniques and materials, through painters, illustrators and artists from different eras. Comics, manga, pop-up, everything is good to tell a story in images.

Throughout the sessions, the children will learn to vary styles, experiment with techniques and media in order to find their own style and technique that suits them. They will create small comic strips or drawings using Indian ink, pastels, felt pens or pencils, according to their desires.

2nd semester

The objective of the second semester is to produce a personal work: a comic strip, a small notebook, a portfolio of the year’s work. This will be an opportunity to apply all the techniques learned.