Chess club & logic games

Want to develop your logical and strategic mind while having fun?


With Joël:

P1-P2 : Wednesday, 13h30 -15h00

P3-P5 : Wednesday, 13h30 -15h00

In this activity, children familiarise themselves with the game of chess and a whole range of other logic games and puzzles.


Although this game sometimes appears complicated and mysterious, the rules are simple and children are soon able to lead a game.  They get to know the pieces and the board, the positions, movements and strategic moves of certain pieces.

The more the children play, the better they master the tactical moves needed to achieve chess and mate! At the end of the year, a tournament is organised!

Logic games and puzzles:

A wide variety of games are offered to help children develop their cognitive skills, concentration and memory, while having fun at the same time! Go games, Mastermind, Rubik’s cube, Connect 4, Sudoku, Tangram, Abalone, etc.: all these games and puzzles are great for developing children’s logical minds. They train them to solve problems and strengthen their deductive skills.