President’s End of year message

Dear parents, The 2022-2023 school year is almost at an end, and I would like to start by thanking our teachers and school staff, the school management, our APEEE representatives, and not least our APEEE staff for all their efforts this year to educate, guide, 
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Extracurricular registrations – Technical issues on 20/06 (morning)

Due to a technical problem, it was possible to register until mid-morning on Tuesday 20 June. All registrations already made have been cancelled. They will have to be re-registered as soon as registrations opens. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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Message from the pedagogical group

Dear Parents, After the All Saints’ Day break, the school informed Secondary students and their parents of the “new” rules that were to be implemented. Since then, the PED (Pedagogy) Group has received many messages from parents who are displeased with the visible wearing of 
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World Teachers’ Day

Today, 5 October, the APEEE of Brussels IV would like to wish a happy World Teachers’ Day to all EEBIV teachers! For the occasion, the APEEE canteen will offer a “café gourmand” to the teachers eating at the staff’s canteen tomorrow, Thursday 6 October, lunchtime. 
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Parents’ and pupils’ rights – Legal information sheet n°2

Please find below the second legal fact sheet written by Karim Kettani, APEEE EEB4 Vice-President in charge of pedagogical affairs. Legal information sheet n° 2: The European Baccalaureate Stay informed on our website and visit our “Pedagogy” section regularly >   
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Circular 8120 – Covid-19 – Organisation of school life (nursery & primary)

Read the circular 8120 >>
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Circular 8119 – Covid-19 – Organisation of school life (secondary)

Read the circular 8119 >>
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Financial reporting 2019-2020

Dear parents, On request of the Board, I am getting back to you to share with you the result of several months’ work with the APEEE employees, namely Mr Eric Rega and Mr Eric Piettre, respectively accountant and director of the APEEE. Thanks to their 
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Sensory Path Hallways Project Report

In the beginning of March, after having presented the project to Daddy Kate company, the designers created the layouts of the sensory paths and made some modifications according to the project coordinator’s suggestions. The paths had to be attractive for the children, educational and suitable 
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University Information Evening – 24/06

A UK and Netherlands Information Evening and a Fair will take place on Monday 24 June 2019 at the British School of Brussels. Find out more here >  Free admission but registration is essential >    
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