Friday 20th December 2019

On Friday, December 20, 2019, the school classes end at 12:30 pm. Please note that our transport, canteen and extracurricular services will operate as follows : Transport All our buses will run normally in the morning and the return buses this Friday noon will operate like 
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APEEE General Assembly 2/12

The APEEE Brussels IV annual General Assembly will take place on Monday 2nd December 2019 from 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm, in the Albert Borschette Congress Centre, rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels.  Click here to see the invitation >  Click here to see the agenda 
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Friday 25 October 2019

Due to the oral school report day that will take place on Friday, October 25, 2019, please note that our transport, canteen and extracurricular services will run differently to adapt to the children present at school. Transport All our buses will run in the morning.Only the 4:10 
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Kiss & Ride

A meeting with the police and the APEEE as well as two people from “Bruxelles mobilité” took place at the school this week regarding the safety of the Kiss & Ride of Drève Sainte Anne. Suggestions and ideas have been put forward, and are now being studied by the 
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School year 2018-2019: the APEEE in figures

This year, 2594 students enrolled in the APEEE, which represents more than 90% of the students in EEB4. A glance at some figures illustrating the services of your APEEE: Transport is: 2,270 students 55 buses in the morning 67 buses in the afternoon, all departures 
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Survey on the APEEE IV services

Your APEEE is launching  a survey on its services! The 2018-2019 school year is coming to an end and we would like to ask for your opinion on our transport, canteen and extracurricular services in order to evaluate and improve their quality. To participate, please click 
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Transport registration 2019-2020

Registration for the transport service of the APEEE of Brussels IV for the school year 2019-2020 opens on May 1, 2019! Visit our online registration system to register >> Before enrolling we urge you to read the transport regulationswhich are mandatory to accept in order to 
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Friday 12 April 2019

Dear parents, dear all,  On Friday, April 12, 2019, the school classes end at 12:35 pm. Please note that our transport, canteen and extracurricular services will operate as follows: Transport  All our buses will run normally in the morning and the return buses will operate like 
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National strike on Wednesday 13 February 2019

Status at 1:15 pm: All our buses left school and only 6 bus monitors could not come. Have a great afternoon! ————————- Status at 12:00 pm: All our noon departures are assured. Please note, however, that unfortunately not all our bus monitors will be present 
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Parking lot – Incident on Monday 21/01 – Update

Update Dear parents, dear all, The experts completed their work and the bus was removed on the morning of Saturday, January 26. Have a good week. Kind regards, Eric Piettre, Director of the APEEE of Brussels IV ——————————————————- Update Dear parents, dear all, The bus 
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