Covid-19 // Article 5 – European Bac 2020

Please find the Interparents Board communication on this year’s Baccalaureate exam by clicking here >    For more information, please consult the Interparents website >   
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Covid-19 // Article 4 – External initiatives

What can you do when a child is alone because his or her parents are in hospital? Potential carrier of the virus, this kind of situation is unprecedented. A citizen’s initiative is born: “Le Réseau de solidarité enfant-relais”. The action also aims to recruit foster 
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Covid-19 // Article 3 – Helping you cope with the Covid-19 crisis

  For the parents concerned, the association ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium is offering a lot of advice during this period of confinement. Do not hesitate to visit their Facebook page >   1 – Finding Your Strengths Exercise by Dana Puia Morel In these 
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Covid-19 // Article 2 – Distance learning and support to parents

EEBIV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended until 3 May inclusive due to the evolving situation concerning the epidemic of COVID-19. You will find a pdf file sent by the school with recommendations on how to support learning at home by clicking 
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Covid-19 // Article 1 – Evolving situation and APEEE services

  Update 03/04 – the European School of Brussels IV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended until 3rd May inclusive     Dear parents, As you know, the European School of Brussels IV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended 
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28/04 – Conference video games addiction

  Update 22/04 : Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the conference is cancelled. The APEEE Prevention Group suggests videos on the same subject – Find out more here >      The Prevention Group of the APEEE Brussels IV is organising a conference on Tuesday 
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Children damaged by Trauma – Q&A autism, ADHD, LD – 7/03

ADHD ASC & LD Belgium Asbl is organising two events on Saturday 7 March 2020:    How would we know if our child has been damaged by Trauma? By Saretha Naudé – 13.30 to 15.30 This session is intended for teachers, and parents / family 
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Panel debate – Gender discrimination – 30/01

A panel debate on women tech entrepreneurs followed by projection of the award-winning documentary-film “She Started It” by Nora Poggi will take place on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 6:00pm at The Office (80 Rue d’Arlon, 1040 Brussels). Please click here to register and for 
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London Universities Information Panel – 12/02

A London Universities Information Panel will take place on Wednesday 12 February 2020 at the British School of Brussels, from 7:00 pm. The panel presentations will cover aspects of studying and living in London, as well as specific information about each institution. Download the pdf of the event for 
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Conference – Electromagnetic waves – 22/01

A conference (in French) given by physicist Wendy de Hemptinne on the impact of electromagnetic waves and wireless technologies on our health and organized by the health alderman’s office of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, will take place on Wednesday, January 22, at 8 pm. Free participation. Location : 
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