Berkendael – Open door day

There will be an Open door day on the Berkendael site on March 7, 2018 from 13:00 to 14:30 for the future parents of European Schools. Please sign up on the European School of Brussels I website
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Bulgaria’s National Day

Today, Friday 2nd March 2018, the canteen is celebrating Bulgaria whose national fest is tomorrow, March 3rd. The chef Christophe, the sous-chef Min-Jae and the commis chef Audrey, Saïd, Aziz and Naoufel have prepared a special Menu in order to highlight the Bulgarian gastronomy. On 
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Estonia National Day

Today, Friday 23rd February 2018, the canteen is celebrating Estonia whose national fest is tomorrow, February 24rd. The chef Christophe, the sous-chef Min-Jae and the commis chef Audrey, Saïd, Aziz and Naoufel have prepared a special Menu in order to highlight the Estonian gastronomy. On 
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Secondary Markin Reform

You can follow the conference via this link. A conference entitled “Secondary Marking Reform in European Schools – Challenges and opportunities” and organised by Interparents and the Parents’ Associations of the European Schools in Brussels will be hold on Monday 5th February 2018 at 6:30pm. This event seeks to introduce 
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Commissioner Oettinger meets European Schools parent representatives

During the first part of the school year 2017-2018, we have had several meetings with the other Brussels APEEEs. This last of meetings was on December 14, 2017 with EU Commissioner Oettinger. Please find here the minutes of this meeting.
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Draft statutes of the APEEE

On Tuesday 5 December 2017 an information evening was held in the meeting hall of EEB4 to present the draft statutes of your APEEE of Bruxelles IV. Thank you to those who participated and especially to Catherine Hennessy, Board member, for chairing the meeting and for all her excellent work. You can find the report of the meeting here.
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Ski trip 2018 – Description

When? From Saturday February 10th to Saturday February 17th 2018. Departure on Saturday evening and arrived on Sunday morning. Return on Friday night and arrived on Saturday morning. Where ? UCPA – 74300 Flaine Altaïr – Snow Front, 74300 Flaine Altaïr, France Price ? 655 € for 
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Charity concert – Alberto Ferro

Dear parents, Some of you already know that the Parents’ Associations of the European Schools of Brussels II-Woluwe, III-Ixelles and IV-Laeken are organising, as part of a cycle of joint events, a charity recital. It will be held at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles on 
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Conference on Disability

Date: Tuesday, 12 December, 2017 – 08:45 to 17:00 The PMO, in collaboration with DG HR, is delighted to announce the first Inter-Interinstitutional Conference on Disability The main objective of this year’s conference is focused on recognition of disability in Belgium. The event will be interactive, staff 
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Tag der deutschen Einheit

Following general request to give pride of place to the diverse national holidays of the countries that are represented at the school, the canteen team decided to create a Menu representing the country’s gastronomic tradition at best and that all other students will be likely 
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