Registration – information evening on the draft statutes

Dear parents, A meeting on the new draft statutes of the APEEE of Brussels IV will take place on Thursday 18 October 2018, at 7pm, in the EEB4’s salle polyvalente. To attend please sign up here before October 17, 2018, 2:00pm: Find all the 
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Higher education fair

A university information evening will be held on Wednesday 24 October 2018 at the British School of Brussels. Find all the necessary information by downloading the pdf of the event. To attend please sign up here : 
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Exhibition – Christian Lagrange

From 8 to 28 October 2018, the author Christian Lagrange will exhibit in the school’s salle polyvalente. Original drawings and prints from 3 albums will be presented: Murmure, De la terre à la pluie, La Chenille. A total of 35 paintings will be exhibited in the salle 
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World Teachers’ Day

The APEEE of Brussels IV would like to wish all the school’s teachers a good International Teachers’ Day! For the occasion, the APEEE canteen will offer dessert and coffee to the teachers eating at the staff’s canteen this Friday lunchtime. Thank you for your good 
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Caméléon also dresses our school!

Dear parents, We are pleased to announce the collaboration of the APEEE of Brussels IV with the Comptoirs Privés CAMELEON as part of the operation “Trop cool! Caméléon habille aussi mon école !“ which will be taking place from 03/10/2018 until 21/10/2018. We provide you with 
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APEEE – new draft statutes

Dear Parents, Class representatives, Section representatives, This is a consultation on the new draft Statutes for the APEEE. We think it is important all parents get a say on the changes. You will find below : The FR and EN versions of the new draft 
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Disruptions to be expected Tuesday 2 October 2018

Due to the national day of action and demonstration that will take place Tuesday 2 October 2018 there are chances that our transport and extracurricular services will seriously be disturbed. Buses and monitors may have indeed difficulties to reach the school or the bus stop. 
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Bus evacuation exercice

From 2 to 12 October 2018, the transport service is organising an exercise called “How to evacuate quickly from a bus?” for nursery, primary, S1 and S2 students. This exercise will be coordinated by qualified instructors. Each pupil will be taught how to leave the bus in a calm, quick and safe manner if an unforeseen situation so requires. Please 
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Wednesday lunchtime – canteen for secondary students

Following the communication of the new schedules, it appears that secondary students have classes on Wednesday afternoons. A request has thus been sent to the APEEE so that the pupils who are in this case can eat in the canteen on Wednesday lunchtime. Depending on 
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Universities information evenings

Several university information evenings will soon take place at the British School of Brussels : Oxbridge Information Evening > Tuesday 18 September, 7 pm ; please click here to sign up. Canadian Universities Information Evening > Monday 8 October, 7 pm ; please click here to sign up. 
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