Ski trip 2019 – A memorable week

Throwback to an unforgettable week in the ski resort La Plagne For the second consecutive year, the extracurricular team, and 46 children from S4, S5 and S6, headed towards La Plagne to reach the snow-covered peaks of the French Alps. Snow, thrills and sunshine were 
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Registration and Call for Questions for Public Meeting 01/04

Registration and Call for Questions for Public Meeting—1 April, 2019, 19.00, Salle Polyvalente, European School Brussels IV The Parents’ Association of Brussels IV invites all interested parents, students, the Direction, teachers and staff of EEB IV to participate in a public meeting to discuss recent events 
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APEEE Letter – Public meeting 01/04

PLEASE NOTE! There will be a public meeting in the school’s Salle Polyvalente on Monday 1st April at 19.00 to discuss the events of the last few weeks, the challenges facing our children in the European Schools today and what we in the EEB IV community 
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Throwback on the symphonic concert – 20/03

Mercredi 20 mars, des applaudissements unanimes ont résonné dans la salle polyvalente de notre école. Une centaine de personnes avaient fait le déplacement pour assister au grand concert de piano avec orchestre symphonique organisé par notre service périscolaire. L’ orchestre symphonique Nuove Musiche a entamé 
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Fires at the school

UPDATE Message from the APEEE Board  The APEEE has learned about the arson incident which took place for the second consecutive day in the Secondary school’s toilets. The APEEE gives its full support to the direction of EEB IV and the Brussels police for identifying 
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Open letter to the National Inspectors for the European School system

As you know, the situation at EEB IV Laeken has grown tense due to the important number of locally recruited teachers threatened by redundancy – 25 according to the school’s direction  – as a consequence of secondment proposals made by Member States. A strike action 
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Piano Concert with Symphonic Orchestra – 20/03

Our extracurricular activities service is pleased to invite you to a piano concert with symphonic orchestra on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 8 pm in the school’s salle polyvalente. We have the great honour to introduce Julian Lampert, one of our talented piano teachers, and 
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APEEE IV Building – Report

Report of the Working Group on the feasibility study for APEEE IV to purchase the building 78 adjacent to the school The Context Following the mandate given to the Board by the General Assembly on the 4th of December 2018, the APEEE IV launched a 
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Crowdfunding – Prix Versele

Every year, our school has participated in the Bernard Versele Prize, the only literary prize in the world whose jury is composed exclusively of children. This year again, primary classes will participate in this event. On 23 May 2019, the Prix Versele will celebrate its 
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ADHD Training

ADHD ASC & LD Belgium Asbl is organising a training course “Early Interventions for Children with ADHD and/or Autistic Spectrum Conditions” on 16 March 2019, from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. This workshop will be facilitated by June Todd, international expert of children with specific 
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