22/10 – Virtual Pedagogical Meeting

As announced in the President’s back-to-school report, the APEEE Board and the pedagogical team are organising a meeting Thursday 22 October, at 7pm, on Webex. The meeting will start at 7pm with the presentation of the pedagogical working group and the new section representatives. From 
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Secondary – Start of extracurricular activities

Reminder : Activities for secondary students start this Monday 19 October 2020. Important – Following the new sports measures established by ADEPS (general sports administration of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation), some activities will unfortunately not be launched next week. Please note that: – Judo and volleyball 
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Extracurricular activities – Wearing a face mask in the bus

If your child is enrolled in an extracurricular activity that requires a bus trip from school to the activity, we would like to remind you that it is mandatory to wear a face mask aboard our buses and that children who are not wearing masks are 
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President’s back to school report

Dear parents, One month into the school year, and I am happy to see that our children are for the most part still able to attend school in person. The past weeks have been extremely busy, and I wanted to give a brief update about 
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Section Representatives

Section Representatives are a vital part of the APEEE, governed by article 7 of the APEEE statutes. Their main roles are, in relation to pedagogical issues: To coordinate work and/or discussions within a linguistic section; To take initiatives either within the APEEE or towards the 
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CANCELED – Climbing camp during the All Saints’ Holiday

The APEEE extracurricular activities service offers students from P3 to S7 a 5 half-day bouldering camp during the All Saints’ Day holidays, in collaboration with the Petite Ile bouldering gym. An opportunity to discover bouldering, a type of climbing very suitable for children. What is 
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Update – Extracurricular activities / NUR & PRI – places available

Last chance to register!  Discover the activities in which there are still places left: NURSERY :  PRIMARY P1-P2 :  PRIMARY P3-P4-P5 : 
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Transport / Wearing a face mask

We remind you that children who are not wearing masks are not allowed to board our buses, as is the case with Brussels public transport.  Our bus monitors and drivers have told us that, since the start of the school year, some children are not wearing their 
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World Teachers’ Day

Today, 5 October, the APEEE of Brussels IV would like to wish a happy World Teachers’ Day to all EEBIV teachers! For the occasion, the APEEE canteen will offer dessert and coffee to the teachers eating at the staff’s canteen this Monday lunchtime. Thank you 
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Our Covid-19 protocol

  In case of a confirmed case of Covid-19, please notify us at covid19@bru4.eu   What happens if a student using an APEEE service tests positive at Covid-19? When parents inform us that their child has tested positive for Covid-19, they are under no obligation to provide us 
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