Message from the pedagogical group

Dear Parents, The end of the year 2022 is fast approaching, which means that not only have the days shortened considerably, with temperatures approaching 0°C, and weather that makes us want to stay home, but above all our older children have to take their B-tests. 
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14 & 15/12 – European Summit and disruptions of our services

Due to a European Summit on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 December 2022, our transport and extracurricular services may be disturbed. Some bus monitors may be unable to come and our extracurricular teachers may have indeed difficulties to reach the school. Delays on our lines are 
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Canteen – 2nd payment instalment

Following a software bug, you have received an automatic email from our online registration system indicating that the status of your child(ren)’s canteen registration is “processed”. Please disregard this communication. We are experiencing some technical issues and will not be able to send you the 
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Message from the pedagogical group

Dear Parents, After the All Saints’ Day break, the school informed Secondary students and their parents of the “new” rules that were to be implemented. Since then, the PED (Pedagogy) Group has received many messages from parents who are displeased with the visible wearing of 
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Extracurricular – European Week for Waste Reduction

The school is taking part in the European Week for Waste Reduction with a series of activities from 19 to 27 November. The extracurricular activities service has decided to join this movement and to participate in the waste collection action. On Wednesday, November 23rd, the 
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Extracurricular – Ski trip 2023

We regret to inform you that the ski trip of our extracurricular service will unfortunately not be taking place during the Carnival holidays, contrary to the information given in our last newsletter. We apologise to the pupils who were looking forward to this trip and 
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Two University Events at BSB: 21 and 25 November

The APEEE is happy to share the British School of Brussel’s (BSB) events that will take place on November 21 and 25.    21 November at 19.00: Higher Education in Canada This will be an opportunity to meet the following: Bishop’s University, Brock University, Concordia University, McGill 
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9/11 – General strike and disruptions of our services

  *UPDATE* : The following bus lines will not be running today: 314 – 321 – 327 – 330 – 332 – 336 – 338 – 346 – 354 – 358 – 370 – 376 – 378 Due to a general strike on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 
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Bus Stop Ambassadors Parents

We are looking for “Bus Stop Ambassadors Parents“. So that the Transport Office can warn parents as quickly as possible of the delay or absence of their bus, we are looking for volunteer parents whose children get on at the first or second bus stop 
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Well-Being Working Group – Call for members

The APEEE Well-being Working Group is looking for parents interested to contribute to our work! For this year, we would like to organize some peer-to-peer discussions on issues of interest to parents and brainstorm on potential actions. We would also like to discuss some parenting 
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