Extracurricular – Activities for M1-P2 on Friday 22 September

Exceptionally, the extracurricular service is offering a selection of 2 activities on Friday 22 September from 12.50pm to 3pm for nursery, P1-2 pupils: A Kapla construction workshop, An African music and dances workshop, Each activity consists of one of the 2 workshops. The duration of 
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President’s End of year message

Dear parents, The 2022-2023 school year is almost at an end, and I would like to start by thanking our teachers and school staff, the school management, our APEEE representatives, and not least our APEEE staff for all their efforts this year to educate, guide, 
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Performing Arts Day – 2022-2023 edition

On Saturday June 3rd 2023, the extracurricular service of the APEEE IV celebrated its day of artistic and sporting performances in the presence of the children and their parents. Over 600 people came through the doors of the European School to attend the annual Performing 
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Extracurricular registrations – Technical issues on 20/06 (morning)

Due to a technical problem, it was possible to register until mid-morning on Tuesday 20 June. All registrations already made have been cancelled. They will have to be re-registered as soon as registrations opens. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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Risk of disruption – National action day 22 May

Due to a national action day this Monday, May 22, 2023, our transport and extracurricular services may be heavily disrupted. Some bus monitors may be unable to come and our extracurricular teachers may have indeed difficulties to reach the school. Delays on our lines are also to be expected. We thank 
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03/06 – Performing Arts Day – Ticketing + Program

Performing Arts Day is taking place on Saturday 3 June! Performing Arts Day is an opportunity for parents to come and see what their children have been up to during the year and for everyone to find out what activities they can sign up for the next school year. 
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Extracurricular – Summer Camp 2023 – Registration information

SUMMER CAMP 2023 IS FULL !  This year, the extracurricular service is organising a Summer Camp for students from S1 to S4 from 26 June to 6 July 2023. Save the date: registration opens on this Wednesday 10 May 2023 at 12:00. > Programme : Students will 
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Extracurricular – Summer Camp 2023

The extracurricular service is looking forward to welcoming students from S1 to S4, from 26 June to 6 July 2023, for a Summer Camp full of exciting moments! There are 112 places available this year. Pupils will have the choice between a creative or an 
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Tuesday 9th May 2023

As the 9th of May is an official European Commission holiday, there will be no after school childcare available, thus our services will operate as follow: Transport Buses to OIB garderies are cancelled All buses to homes are maintained   Extracurricular activities After the extracurricular 
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Extracurricular – The Book Club attends the Book Week

This year, 9 students from S1 to S3 are meeting every week as part of the “Book Club” activity during their lunch break to discuss the books they liked. This small but enthusiastic group had the opportunity to take part in Book Week, organized at 
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