Extracurricular activities – Verification of the “after activity”

In order to facilitate the end of your children’s extracurricular activities, we kindly ask you to check the status of the field “Follow by” in their registration (https://services.apeee-bxl4.be) and to inform us of any changes. There are too many changes that we are not informed of 
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Resuming of in situ teaching 18/01 – Declaration on honour

Dear parents, You have all received a message from the school yesterday inviting you to submit a declaration on honour on adherence to Belgian Covid-19 rules, and more specifically those relating to quarantine. In the context of preserving the health of pupils, teachers, school and 
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Resumption and functioning of the APEEE services as of 18/01

In situ courses will resume on Monday 18 January 2021; please note that the APEEE services will operate as follows from 18 January until further notice: Transport Nursery – Primary – Secondary: The school buses will run normally. If you have travelled abroad during the holiday 
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25/01 – Online General Assembly

Dear Parents, Please find below the invitation to the Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) of the APEEE of Brussels IV that will take place online on Monday, 25th January 2021 at 7:30 pm. The invitation encloses the convocation and the agenda >  All documents related to 
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President’s End of Year Message

Dear Parents, As this strange year of 2020 draws to a close, we can now all look forward to a well-deserved rest. I would like to thank the parents who have had to find extra hours in their day to support their children’s learning from 
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Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December 2020

The 21st and 22nd of December, 2020 will be on line teaching days for all pupils in the nursery and primary and for all students of S1, S2, and S3. For the other secondary students present on the school site (S4,S5,S6,S7), please note that our 
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Reimbursements Covid-19 – Part 2

This text is complementary to this article > Dear parents, We are getting back to you as promised with the details of the last part of the reimbursement for the year September 2019 – August 2020. We have indeed had to delay the reimbursement of 
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Extracurricular activities – New measures announced on 16/11/2020 revised

In view of the communication sent by the OIB on November 17 to parents whose children are attending the after-school centre, we would like to make a few clarifications to our emails sent on Monday, November 16. The OIB finally authorizes the extracurricular activities service 
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Garderie after extracurricular activities

We have just been informed that the OIB no longer allows the extracurricular activities service to take students back to the garderie after the activities. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as possible if you would like your 
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Extracurricular activities / Primary – Face mask required during the activity

Following the school’s decision to make the wearing of masks mandatory for primary students taking part in classes made of pupils from different levels, it will now be mandatory for primary students following an extracurricular activity to wear a mask during the activity, regardless of 
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