Signature of a memorandum of understanding between the APEEE and the Pupils’ committee

The APEEE and the Comité des élèves (CDE – Pupils’ committee) of EEB IV have long had close cooperation, which has increased in the last couple of years, mostly on pedagogical issues. The efforts of the CDE to improve the well-being of pupils and maintain 
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18/01 – Question & Answer session for the General Assembly 25/01

Dear parents, You have received the official invitation and activity report for our upcoming APEEE General Assembly on January 25, 2022. In order to streamline the evening, we would like to provide an opportunity for you to attend a Question & Answer session on January 
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25/01 – Online General Assembly

Dear Parents, Please find enclosed the invitation to the Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) and the Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) of the APEEE of Brussels IV that will take place online on Tuesday, 25th January  2022 at 7:00 pm. The invitation encloses the convocation and the agenda 
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New APEEE management from January 2022

 The APEEE Director, Mr Eric Piettre, will retire on 22 December after 10 wonderful years with our association. On behalf of the whole APEEE, we thank Eric for his great work as director and wish him all the best in his personal projects, may they 
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President’s Message

 Dear Parents, Our school community continues to work together to face the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic. 2022 will be a year of change for our school and our APEEE: we wish Mr Manuel Bordoy all the best in his new role as Deputy 
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DOMO – A students’ initiative for parents

The APEEE is happy to support the student mini-entreprise initiative DOMO. The students are in the process of creating a website which will help parents hire students for jobs like babysitting, tutoring, etc.  The students have created a survey for parents in order to gauge 
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Message from the SWALS section representatives

Dear parents of SWALS pupils, There is now a Facebook group of the parents of SWALS pupils in our school. The page is at with almost 50 members so far. The group is open to all SWALS parents in Laeken, and serves as a 
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Message from the Italian section representatives

The year 2021 is drawing to a close. We as section representatives continue our commitment to the parents and students of the Italian section. We wish you all a very happy holiday season. See you in 2022! Alessandra, Angela, Erminia e
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Message from the francophone section representatives in Secondary

The French Section is pleased to announce that it has been reinforced by two additional Secondary Section Representatives. Khady Diongue and Andrea Glorioso have been added to the team already formed by Diane Werhert and Veronica Gavriliadis. In order to be able to provide you 
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Radio Europa Laeken

 In 2019, the Community Fund financed the equipment of the school’s web radio. Today, the radio station is installed in a studio at the school and makes regular use of the high quality equipment it is equipped with. The podcasts are freely available on ARTE 
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