Departure message from APEEE Director, Éric Rega

Dear all, After 6 years with the APEEE of Brussels IV, including 2.5 years as Director, I have decided to retire on 30 June 2024. I would like to thank the entire APEEE operational team, the Board for its confidence and support, the School and 
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Ascension break 2024 – closure of the APEEE

During the Ascension break, the APEEE will be closed from Monday May 6 to Friday May 10 2024 included. We will resume our activities on Monday May 13 2024. We wish you a good holiday!
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1st May 2024 – Closing of the APEEE

The Parents Association of the Brussels IV European School (APEEE) and all its services will be closed on Wednesday, 1st May 2024, to mark Labour Day. All APEEE activities will be suspended and will resume as normal the following day, Thursday 2 May 2024. Thank 
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29/04: APEEE Opening membership fee for 2024-2025

Registrations for the annual membership fee for the school year 2024-2025 will open on Monday 29 April 2024. The annual membership fee is 57,00 euros. It is to be paid to the Parents’ Association Brussels IV account BE34 1325 3154 5590 (BIC: BNAGBEBB) before enrolling in 
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Somerfesto 25/05 : Registration & Volunteering

The preparations for this year’s edition of Somerfesto are in full swing.  This article will give you an overview of what to expect and how to get ready for 25 May. What can you expect? Somerfesto will feature attractions for pupils of all ages, from 
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The APEEE unveils its new logo!

Since the beginning of the APEEE of Laeken, the APEEE star has accompanied parents, students, staff and the entire school community. Recent years have brought many changes to our school, such as an increasingly large and diverse student body, and challenges, such as the pandemic 
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Easter holiday – APEEE Closing

The APEEE will be closed from Friday 22/03/24 afternoon to Friday 05/04/24 included.We wish you an excellent Easter holiday!Our best wishes to all parents and children.
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World Water Day 22/03

World Water Day is an international day established by the United Nations. The aim of the day is to celebrate water and encourage initiatives to tackle the global water crisis. It is an annual event that highlights the importance of clean water. The theme of 
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President Dan Nicolae’s Message

Dear Parents, About three weeks ago, I became your new APEEE President after our former president, Stephanie Buus, stepped down. It will not be easy to replace her. I think that I speak not only on my behalf, but also on behalf of my colleagues 
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Eurêka ! service is back

We are pleased to announce that the Eurêka! service is up and running again! If you watch the Eurêka! videos below you will see that the number of items piling up after such a short time is impressive, to put it mildly. With over 3000 
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