Oral school report day

Due to the oral school report day that will take place on Friday, October 26, 2018, please note that our transport, canteen and extracurricular services will run differently to adapt to the children present on the school site. There will be no extracurricular activities for 
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What’s new in the canteen ?

Seats in the canteen Since the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, the canteen service has received several comments regarding the difficulties to access the level 3 (self-service). Since this situation comes from the organization of secondary students’ schedules, the canteen and the school are 
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World Teachers’ Day

The APEEE of Brussels IV would like to wish all the school’s teachers a good International Teachers’ Day! For the occasion, the APEEE canteen will offer dessert and coffee to the teachers eating at the staff’s canteen this Friday lunchtime. Thank you for your good 
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Wednesday lunchtime – canteen for secondary students

Following the communication of the new schedules, it appears that secondary students have classes on Wednesday afternoons. A request has thus been sent to the APEEE so that the pupils who are in this case can eat in the canteen on Wednesday lunchtime. Depending on 
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Italy – Special Menu for the Republic day

Today, Friday 1st June 2018, the canteen is celebrating Italy, whose Festa della Repubblica is tomorrow, June 2nd. The chef Christophe, the sous-chef Min-Jae and the commis chef Audrey, Saïd, Aziz and Naoufel have prepared a special Menu in order to highlight the Italian cuisine. 
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The Netherlands – Special Menu for the King’s Day

Today, Friday 27 April 2018, the canteen is celebrating the King’s Day in the Netherlands. The chef Christophe, the sous-chef Min-Jae and the commis chef Audrey, Saïd, Aziz and Naoufel have prepared a special Menu in order to highlight the dutch cuisine. On the Menu, 
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Card for the cafeteria – Reloading via PayPal

In view of the increasing number of students coming at the APEEE’s office every day to reload their card and the amount of administrative work generated, it will no longer be possible to reload in cash your children’s card for the cafeteria at the accounting and canteen offices as from 
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Bulgaria’s National Day

Today, Friday 2nd March 2018, the canteen is celebrating Bulgaria whose national fest is tomorrow, March 3rd. The chef Christophe, the sous-chef Min-Jae and the commis chef Audrey, Saïd, Aziz and Naoufel have prepared a special Menu in order to highlight the Bulgarian gastronomy. On 
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Estonia National Day

Today, Friday 23rd February 2018, the canteen is celebrating Estonia whose national fest is tomorrow, February 24rd. The chef Christophe, the sous-chef Min-Jae and the commis chef Audrey, Saïd, Aziz and Naoufel have prepared a special Menu in order to highlight the Estonian gastronomy. On 
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Tag der deutschen Einheit

Following general request to give pride of place to the diverse national holidays of the countries that are represented at the school, the canteen team decided to create a Menu representing the country’s gastronomic tradition at best and that all other students will be likely 
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