Board Games

Do you want to discover plenty of board games? This course offers children a very playful and enriching learning activity. They improve their logic and develop strategies. They also integrate important notions: patience, listening, respect for instructions, involvement and above all accepting to lose.


With TBC:

P1-P2 : Friday, 12h50 – 13h50

P1-P2 : Friday, 14h00 – 15h00

1st semester

The objective of the first semester is to introduce children to board games while developing their skills. Board games are interesting learning tools.

Every month new games are added to the activity. At the beginning of the session the instructor explains the rules of the games before the children form groups and play.  The groups are renewed each time in order to encourage socialization and different game dynamics. As the children learn more and more games, they develop their reasoning skills and thus refine their strategies. Some examples of the games they will have access to: Mosquito, Dobbler, Jenga, Masterminds, Devine-Tête, Kappla.

2nd semester

The objective for the second half of the year is to continue to discover new games. In addition, the instructor seeks to improve the participation of certain children, based on observations made during the first semester.

New games are constantly being introduced, for example: Sheep War, Dixit, Rummikub, Magic Labyrinth, Catan, Mikado, Pictionary, Werewolf, etc… These games encourage collaboration between children, they learn to follow rules and have fun playing rather than winning.