Covid-19 // Article 2 – Distance learning and support to parents

EEBIV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended until 3 May inclusive due to the evolving situation concerning the epidemic of COVID-19. You will find a pdf file sent by the school with recommendations on how to support learning at home by clicking 
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Covid-19 // Article 1 – Evolving situation and APEEE services

  Update 03/04 – the European School of Brussels IV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended until 3rd May inclusive     Dear parents, As you know, the European School of Brussels IV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended 
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Somerfesto 2020 – Update Covid-19

Update 24/03/2020 – Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and following the recommendations of the Belgian Government, Somerfesto 2020 is cancelled.      Dear Parents,  We informed you a few weeks ago that Somerfesto would take place on May 9th, between 13:00 and 18:00.  We do 
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Covid-19 – Functioning of the APEEE services

  Update: As from 17 March and until further notice, the APEEE staff is confined to their homes and is teleworking. If you wish to contact one of the APEEE services, please do so by email only.     Following the decision of the Directors 
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28/04 – Conference video games addiction

  Update 22/04 : Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the conference is cancelled. The APEEE Prevention Group suggests videos on the same subject – Find out more here >      The Prevention Group of the APEEE Brussels IV is organising a conference on Tuesday 
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Report of the project “Training by Prof. Kristof Van Rossem”

It was a training for teachers active in different language sections (NL, FR, EN, GER) and who teach various courses (ethics, philosophy, history, economics, ICT, integrated sciences, etc.) Prof. Kristof Van Rossem gave a training to teachers on the 9th of March at 4pm in 
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Update 12/03/2020 – The Directors of the European Schools have decided on Thursday 12 March to close the European Schools in Belgium starting from next Monday, the 16th of March 2020 and up to Sunday, the 29th of March 2020.     We would like to give 
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Eurêka room found in disarray

The Eureka room, where the school’s lost and found belongings are stored, was found in a complete mess last Friday, March 6, 2020. The clothing storage organized by the parents who come to take care of Eureka every Friday morning on a voluntary basis was 
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Ski trip 2020 – A week full of emotions

Throwback to a week in La Norma full of emotions and skiing/snowboarding On Saturday 22 February, 53 students and 5 monitors from the APEEE left early in the evening for La Norma. They arrived at the UCPA centre just in time for breakfast and then 
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Following the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, caused by a novel Coronavirus that started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, the APEEE Brussels IV decided to put in place precautionary measures. Thus, the APEEE has asked all its staff and external collaborators not to come 
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