Art Workshop - Advanced

Do you want to paint like Picasso? This activity aims to stimulate and discover the creative potential of students through different graphic and conceptual techniques, such as colour, form, movement by revisiting the history of art.


With Lili:

P3-P5 : Friday, 15h10 – 16h10


With Marija : 

S1-S7 : Friday, 16h10 – 17h30

1st semester

This first semester aims to stimulate both individually and collectively the students to discover the creation and exchange of possibilities in technical exercises and the construction of a visual and creative memory.

Each week, the children are introduced to a different subject and technique, experimenting and discovering the materials available: paper, cardboard, fabrics, watercolours, acrylic tempera, ink, rollers, spatulas, adhesive tape, etc. The children let their imaginations take over from the weekly proposals.

This first approach helps to build the group’s possibilities for the second half of the year.

2nd semester

The objective for the second half of the year is to prepare the year-end exhibition.

Every week, a new project is launched. It can be built in two or three sections, and at the end the children get more than an exercise result, “a work”, revisiting the history of art and archetypes, such as: Kandisky, Chagall, Monet, Paul Klee, etc…. The works are carried out between painting and collage either individually or sometimes in groups.