Art & Philosophy

Looking for an artistic activity where discussion and reflection are central? The art & philo workshop offers children a moment of sharing on discussion themes adapted to their age, around artistic activities.


With Chloé:

Friday (as part of “Multi-activity”), 12h50 – 15h10

With Chloé

The workshop’s aim is the discovery of art as a means of expression on themes relating to the daily life of children in order to make them aware of ‘living together’.

During the philosophy workshops, children learn to speak, listen and respect the words of others, develop their vocabulary and critical sense, and develop tolerance, empathy and self-confidence. They sharpen their outlook on art, their knowledge of various means of expression and their ability to use various tools to express themselves.

The session begins with a small ritual to relax the children before moving on to the reading of a children’s album that introduces the theme of the day. The artworks that are then presented to them, and that are related to the story or theme, are the starting point for discussion.

The themes addressed are varied and refer to children’s everyday life, for example: What is a family?  What is a house?   Why go to school? …

An artistic activity, either in a group or individually, will close the session and offers the little philosophical artists a discovery of mixed and varied techniques, in a process of artistic creation and self-expression.

With Chloé

The workshop’s aim is the discovery of art as a means of expression on themes relating to the daily life of children in order to make them aware of ‘living together’.

During the philosophy workshops, children learn to speak, listen and respect the words of others, develop their vocabulary and critical sense, and develop tolerance, empathy and self-confidence. They sharpen their outlook on art, their knowledge of various means of expression and their ability to use various tools to express themselves.

The session begins with a small ritual to relax the children before moving on to the reading of a children’s album that introduces the theme of the day. The artworks that are then presented to them, and that are related to the story or theme, are the starting point for discussion.

The philosophy discussion is also based on illustrations of works of art or the reading of a children’s album and is animated by games and other tools adapted to their age, helping to develop reflection. The themes covered are adapted to their age and to the reality of their daily life: What is a friend? What is love? Why do I go to school? Should I always tell the truth? What is real? Are we all different?…

An artistic activity, either in a group or individually, will close the session and offers the little philosophical artists a discovery of mixed and varied techniques, in a process of artistic creation and self-expression.