History of the Association


The three Parents Associations in Brussels decided to start this new Association even before the beginning of school so that Parents could benefit from essential services from the first day. In order to do this the three Associations voted on clear resolution in a spirit of solidarity with the new pupils.

Decision of the Board of the Parents Association Brussels I (Uccle)
25th January 2007:

The Board agreed to make an interest free loan of 100 000 € (50.000 € from the Transport and 50.000 € from the Canteen) to the future Parents Association of Brussels IV.

Resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the Woluwe Parents Association in January 2007:

The Assembly General authorised the Board to collaborate with the other Brussels Parents Associations to create the future Parents Association for Brussels IV, including starting the restaurant and transport service which would be used by the children on the temporary site.

The General Assembly authorised the Board to make an interest free loan to the Parents Association of Brussels IV to help it start, repayable over a maximum period of ten years for a maximum amount of 200,000€, on condition that a report would be made by the Board at the next General Assembly.

Decision of the Board of the Parents Association Brussels III (Ixelles) of 27 February 2007:

The Board of the Parents Association Brussels III consented to give the Parents Association of Brussels IV a loan of a maximum of €100,000 interest free for a maximum period of 10 years. These funds were for starting the services of the Parents Association of Brussels IV equal to the contribution from the Parents Associations of Brussels I and II. The Parents Association of Brussels III could also help with the start of the Association, by starting the administrative services (Accounting, General affairs, Transport, Extracurricular activities, Canteen), in collaboration with the other Associations in regard to need and availability.

Accepted unanimously.

The Founding Working Group

The three Associations received a mandate to prepare for to start the Association of Brussels IV and above all to start the essential services (Transport, Canteen) for the beginning of the school year 2007, a working group was started under the presidency of Michaël Stenger. The Associations divided up the responsibilities according to their competencies and availability:

  • Uccle : Extracurricular activities
  • Woluwe : Canteen and General Affairs
  • Ixelles : Transport

A link was also made with the “Association des Crèches-Garderies” to coordinate their activities with the future after-school garderie on site.

School enrolments closed, an Assembly General was organised (June 2007) to create the Parents Association and to decide on plans prepared by the founding group.