Access to our services


Anyone who has a child attending the European School of Brussels IV is a member of the Parents Association.

However, if you use one of the services you must pay the membership fee.

It is also necessary for all class representatives to have paid the fee in order to be able to vote in the General Assembly.

For the 2023-2024 school year, the membership fee is 50 euros per year and per family.

As of the 2024-2025 school year, the membership fee is 57 euros per year and per family.

The annual membership fee is to be paid to the Parents Association Brussels IV account BE34 1325 3154 5590 (BIC: BNAGBEBB) before enrolling in a service.
This money is used for the Association services, relations with the school and the management of the Association’s offices.

We thank you for paying with the structured communication included in your order.

Our accounts for each services are with Nagelmackers :

  • MembershipBE34 1325 3154 5590
  • for the TransportBE25 1325 3154 4782
  • for the CanteenBE67 1325 3154 5287
  • for Extracurricular activitiesBE45 1325 3154 5489

Do not hesitate to contact us if necessary: / 02 474 10 93

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Find out more about the APEEE by clicking on the button below:

The association's fixed costs

As the regulations of our transport, canteen, and extracurricular services state, in case of reimbursement, the amounts will be reimbursed on a pro rata temporis basis for the period concerned, after deduction of fixed costs.

In the case of reimbursement for services not provided, it is important to note that only operational services not provided have been suspended. Indeed, the APEEE did not undergo a total interruption of its services as was the case in March 2020 with the Covid-19 epidemic and the containment period imposed by the Belgian authorities.

The amount of the services not provided is thus reimbursed after deduction of the operating costs of the concerned APEEE service(s).

Indeed, these costs are costs that we must pay to allow the APEEE to continue to operate, and include, among others:

  • Calculation and preparation of reimbursements.
  • Administering registrations.
  • Processing suppliers and invoices.
  • Depreciation expenses.
  • Communication – the continuity of the relationship with the parents via email management, website, and communication channels, etc.
  • Preparing for the resumption of services.

These costs naturally vary from one situation to another and from one service to another:

  • The percentage of fixed costs for transport is mainly related to the staff employed and is low. Bus companies and bus monitors are paid on a per-service basis, so if the buses are not able to run, their costs are not included in the fixed costs of transport.
    For example, the percentage of fixed costs in transport for the Covid-19 period (46 days) was 20%.
  • As far as the canteen is concerned, the fixed costs are mainly made up of management costs: administration, management and procedure control, maintenance, etc.
    As an example, the percentage of fixed costs at the canteen for the Covid-19 period (63 days) was 40%.
  • The fixed costs in extracurricular activities essentially represent the administration of human resources: the extracurricular framework, monitors, teachers, and supervisors under contract. In case of temporary unemployment for example, the unemployment supplement was covered by the APEEE during the Covid-19 period.
    For example, the percentage of fixed costs for extracurricular activities for the Covid-19 period (63 days) was 75%.