Piano time

Due to the popularity of our piano lessons, the extra curricular activities team is happy to announce it has now rented its own acoustic piano. Interested in lessons? Check out the webpages or email periscolaire@bru4.eu  
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Transport developments

Occasional Bus Tickets now available If you are interested in purchasing a ticket to use another bus route, this is now possible. Whilst there are some technical issues which have led to a delay, a solution will be found if you need to use this 
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Want to be an octopus?

The European Schools’ Swimming team is looking to recruit new members, and we’d really like more swimmers from Laeken. The team is open to all students aged 8 – 19. This is the ONLY activity where pupils from all 4 schools compete on the same 
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Upcoming external events

Did you know that we systematically publish details of external events we hear about on our homepage? Read on for an overview of what’s coming up. Christmas Market at EEB2 (Woluwe )   EEB2 is due to host a Christmas market on 28 November 2015. 
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What does your CA look like?

Ever wondered how representative the CA is? Why not look at the statistics below to get an overall picture.  These figures are based on the composition of the CA as of 1 November 2015. Please note that some CA members have children in more than 
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Making our services fit your needs

The APEEE has been looking at how best to integrate students with special needs in to all of our services. An expert visited the site in June 2015 to report on what the APEEE could and could not realistically achieve. The APEEE’s policy is to 
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Secondary Education Council

The SEC is an important forum for teachers and parent representatives to address the diverse issues which affect our secondary students. For details of what was discussed at the most recent SEC, please read on. The SEC took place on 22 October 2015. The CA 
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N/P Education Council – October 2015

There are three N/P EC each academic year, two of which fall in this term.  Section representatives will have been in touch with their sections to canvass points but read on for an overview of what was discussed. Fuller details are available from your reps 
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Green Fingers

The Community Fund has granted funding to a gardening and landscaping project. The CFC’s recommendation to fund this project up to a total of 3,000 euros was approved by the CA in their meeting on 10 November 2015.  On 25 September 2015, the CFC received 
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Steering Committee and Enrolments

The European Schools Groupe de Suivi or “Steering Committee” (composed of representatives from the General Secretariat, the European schools, parents, the Commission, the Belgian Government and the Régie des Bâtiments) and the Central Enrolment Authority (“ACI”) met during October 2015 to discuss infrastructure in the 
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