Lettre au Vice-président de la Commission

Lettre September 2012   Lettre March 2012
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News et Information générale

Conférences à venir Dans le courant de l’année scolaire 2012-2013, l’Institut de Coaching Scolaire organise, avec la collaboration de Notre-Dame des Champs, un cycle de 5 conférences destiné aux parents, aux enseignants, ainsi qu’aux élèves. Elles porteront sur les adolescents et leurs difficultés. Lundi 5 
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News and general information

Conference announcement In the course of the school year 2012-2013, the School Coaching Institute and the Notre-Dame des Champs school in Uccle are organising a series of conferences for parents, teachers and students on the themes of interest to teenagers. The conferences, which will be 
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Assemblée générale 2011-2012

    Compte-rendu de l’Assemblée générale, 31.01.2012 Invitation Annexe 1:rapport du commissaire sur les comptes annuels pour l’exercise clos le 31 aoüt 2011 Annexe 2: rapport sur le budget 2010-2011 Annexe 3: rapport sur le budget 2011-2012 pour l’Assemblé Générale Annexe 4: Draft Resolution document 
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General Assembly 2012

Minutes of the General Assembly 31.01.2012 Invitation Annex 1: Audit report on the financial statements for year ended 31 August 2011 Annex 2: Budget report 2010-2011 Annex 3: Budget report for the General Assembly 2011-2012 Annex 4: Draft Resolution document   Subject: Preparation of General 
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Difficult access around the school

The Parents Association would like to inform parents of several developments affecting access to and traffic flows around the school: 1.  Traffic management On 12 September, Brussels city council invited residents around the school to attend a meeting on this subject.  Several representatives of the Parents Association 
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Parents Association general information

General Presentation The Parents Association represent the pedagogical interest of pupils and families in the decision making process of the school (representation of parents in the Administrative Board of the school, in the Consultative Council of the School, in the Education Councils etc.; representation of 
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Conseil d’éducation Maternelles / Primaires

Réunions : 18/10/2012, 22/11/2012, 07/03/2013
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Groupes de travail

Groupes de travail Pédagogique Groupe de travail – Maternelle/Primaire: Groupe de travail – Secondaire :
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Conseil d’éducation Secondaires

Réunions: 18/10/2012, 06/12/2012, 07/03/2013
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