
Calling parent (and secondary student) volunteers! Somerfesto is all about getting to know the school, other parents, students and teachers while having some fun and hopefully raising some funds along the way. A great way to do so is to volunteer for an hour or 
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Somerfesto2017 Plan


  Check out the 2017 map of attractions! Download as a pdf
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Programme: Doors Open 12 Midday Stands & Activities 12.00 to 17.00 In the Primary Library: Bookstand [and DVDs!] – you should have received the forms via your child’s agenda but just in case here it is In the Secondary Science Building from 13.00 to 15.00: Science 
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English version below Nous vous remercions encore pour votre implication à l’édition 2017 de la Somerfesto, notre fête annuelle des parents d’élèves. Nous sommes actuellement en train de clôturer nos comptes de l’année 2016-2017 pour obligation financière légale, c’est pourquoi nous tenions à vous informer 
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Laeken fencing tournament 2013

this is a friendly team tournament where 6 Belgian teams are invited to combat with our two teams on 1 June. tournament will start at 10am and will finish at 5pm. You are warmly welcome if you let us know of your arrival before May 
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Laeken competition d’escrime 2013

• C’est une compétition amicale où 6 équipes Belges sont invitées à combattre avec nos 2 équipes le 1er juin. • le tournoi commencera à 10h et se terminera à 17h. • tous les curieux sont les bienvenus si vous nous prévenez de votre venue 
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Data Protection Policy

The international asbl “Association des Parents Elèves de L’Ecole Européenne de Bruxelles IV”  (hereinafter referred to as the “APEEE”) takes the protection of your private life seriously and accordingly endeavours to ensure that at all material times it acts in accordance with Belgian data protection 
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Data Protection Policy

L’aisbl « Association des Parents des Elèves de L’Ecole Européenne de Bruxelles IV » (ci-après « l’APEEE »)  veille à votre vie privée et, dans ce cadre, agit toujours conformément aux dispositions de la législation belge en matière de vie privée (Loi du 8 décembre 
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Cookies In Use on This Site Cookies and how they Benefit You Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone 
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Preparatory Meeting of 16 April 2013

At the meeting of 16 April 2013 the pedagogical working groups N/P and S identified  the following points to be added to the agenda of the Joint Education Council on 25 April 2013: Establishment of a SWALS working group for secondary: parents see a need 
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