Règlement 2017-2018

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2017 FLASH MOB DANCE! Coming Soon…. In the meantime here’s the music   {youtube}pkCyfBibIbI|560|315|1{/youtube}
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Dance 2016

2016 FLASH MOB DANCE!  Shakira – Try Everything For the music see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6rP-YP4c5I  For the dance watch the video! {mp4}somerfesto/flashmob_2016{/mp4}
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Update on campaign for securing sustainable teaching for European Schools

Key events in May: In response to the Interparents letter “European Schools in Crisis” of 9th May (addressed to Member States’ ministers of education and the school Board of Governors), a reply has been received from the Right Honourable David Laws MP, UK Minister of 
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Notes from the Joint Education Council 25th April

Report by the Management from the Board of Governors The BoG agreed to fund the following posts in EEBIV: 1 Head Accountant (Deputy for Mrs Cheron), 1 Secretary (to be responsible 50 % for enrolments and 50 % for the Secondary),  1 lab technician, ½ 
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Enrolment Site Temporarily Down

Please note that the enrolment site is temporarily down – we will update this message as soon as we receive any news. We apologise for any inconvenience. 17 May 10:46 The enrolment site is up and running again!
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Letter from Interparents regarding the funding crisis at the European Schools

  InterparentsAlicante  Bergen  Brussels I, II, III & IV  Culham  Frankfurt  Karlsruhe  Luxembourg I & II Mol  München  Varese – The Association of the Parents’ Associations of the European Schools –www.interparents.eu   Strasbourg, 9 May 2013 For the attention of the Ministers of Education and 
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Transport Enrolment EN

Enrolment Once you have read and accepted the Transport Rules 2017-2018 and agreed to the APEEE Data Protection Policy please click Continue to open the enrolment site in a new window. The first thing you will be asked is to create an account (if you have not already 
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Transport Enrolment FR

Inscriptions 2017 / 2018 Après lecture et acceptation du règlement du service des transports 2017-18 ainsi que la politique de protection des données de l’APEEE, nous vous invitons à cliquer sur le bouton “Continuez” (en bas de page) afin d’ouvrir le formulaire d’inscription dans une nouvelle 
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Periscolaire Enrolment EN

Enrolment   Once you have read & accepted the Rules for Extra-Curricular Activities & agreed to the APEEE Data Protection Policy please click Continue to open the enrolment site in a new window. The first thing you will be asked is to create an account (if you 
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