Finding a sustainable solution to the funding of teachers in European Schools (Cost-Sharing)

The debate reaches new levels as parents call upon on the enlarged Troika (meeting on Monday, 24th June) to: Find a solution to the cost-sharing problem, possibly along the lines of the ‘Munich model’ Discuss the Council decision of 16th May to hold an extraordinary 
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Finding a sustainable solution to the funding of teachers in European Schools (Cost-Sharing)

The debate reaches new levels as parents call upon on the enlarged Troika (meeting on Monday, 24th June) to: Find a solution to the cost-sharing problem, possibly along the lines of the ‘Munich model’ Discuss the Council decision of 16th May to hold an extraordinary 
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Deuxième soirée d’information sur la réforme des études secondaires

le 25 juin 2013, de 20h00 à 22h00 heuresdans la cantine de l’école de Woluwe L’Ordre du Jour : Etat d’avancement des discussions sur la réforme des études secondaires dans les différents comités du système des écoles européennes Présentation du contenu des propositions Discussion C’est 
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Second Information Evening on the Reform of Secondary Studies

  Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 20.00 to 22.00 hoursCanteen of Woluwe school Agenda: State of play of the discussions of the reform of secondary studies in the different committees of the European School system Presentation of the contents of the proposals Discussion For Me? This 
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SOMERFESTO – letter from the APEEE board

‘The APEEE Board would like to thank the Somerfesto Committee and all parents, teachers and APEEE staff who committed a lot of their time to prepare and organise the 2013 Somerfesto. As with the previous ones at the preliminary site of Berkendael, this first edition 
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SOMERFESTO – lettre du CA

‘Le CA de l’APEEE remercie le comité Somerfesto, les parents, les professeurs et le personnel de l’APEEE qui ont investi pas mal de leur temps à la préparation et l’organisation du Somerfesto 2013. Comme les années antérieures sur le site provisoire de Berkendael, cette première édition 
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Prices : 5€ for a Bracelet Includes: Bouncy Castles Games, Games, Games! Science Festival ! This list will be updated as more Activities are added! OR there is a 1€ charge for each! Other attractions : Further Updates will be added closer to the date, so 
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Brocante at the School

An opportunity to get rid of those old toys & books! The brocante is organised by the Centre Médori to raise funds. The Centre Médori, which neighbours our school, is a day & residential centre for people with special needs whom we welcome regularly, particularly 
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Une brocante à l’école

L’occasion rêvée de débarasser la chambre de vos enfants des livres qu’ils ne lisent plus et des jouets en trop! Cette brocante sera organisée par le centre Médori afin de collecter des fonds. Le centre Médori voisin de notre école, est un centre de jour 
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Transport – la grève dans les Institutions européennes 26 juin 2013

Important: mercerdi 26 juin 2013 : il n’aura pas de bus scolaire depuis l’école vers les garderies (OIB) en raison de la grève dans les Institutions européennes. Les parents doivent venir chercher leur(s) enfant(s) à l’école à 12:30.
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