Private lessons

Private lessons The ECA team offers the opportunity for your children to take private lessons during school hours. These lessons include music and language classes. Children who take private music classes also have the opportunity to take part in concerts which are organised approximately twice 
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Reform of Secondary Studies

BRUSSELS SCHOOLS PARENT ASSOCIATIONS support Interparents and send a joint message to the Secretary General and Board of Governors of the schools, saying “Stop run-away reform of Secondary Studies and focus instead securing sustainable funding of the schools” PARENT ACTION NOW! Meeting with the Secretary 
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The expatriate family: a research on crisis, resources and adaptation

We have received an invitation from a doctoral research student looking for newly arrived English speaking expatriate families in Belgium to participate in a research study. Please see the attached PDF if you have recently arrived in Belgium and would like to take part in 
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la réforme des études secondaires

Important: deux réunions d’information sur la réforme des études secondaires auront lieu cette semaine. Les parents d’EEB IV sont les bienvenus:EEB III / Ixelles: Mardi Octobre 15, à 19h30 à la cantine des étudiantsEEB I / Uccle: Jeudi 17th Octobre à 20 heures à la 
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Secondary Reform

Important Notice of Two Information Meetings on the Reform of Secondary Studies this week. Parents of EEB IV are welcome at either or both:EEB III/Ixelles: Tuesday, October 15th at 7.30pm in the Students’ CanteenEEB I/Uccle: Thursday, October 17th at 8pm in the Students’ Canteen (building 
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Service Transport – Second départ les mardis et jeudis après-midi

The second bus service on Tuesdays and Thursdays is now running and there are places available on all lines.  If you have a child enrolled in an extra-curricular activity or if you would like your child to enrol in an extra-curricular activity and would like to 
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«Back to School Evening» Mardi 17 septembre à 18h

Cette soirée est pour vous l’opportunité de rencontrer le professeur principal de votre enfant. Cette année, les professeurs non-titulaires ne passeront pas dans les classes. En effet, les années précédentes, ils n’avaient pas le temps de se présenter à tous les parents de toutes les sections. Néanmoins, il 
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‘Back to School Evening’ Tuesday 17th of September – 18h00

This evening is designed to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about your child’s classes and to meet your child’s teachers. This year only the class teachers will be in the classroom. In previous years other teachers have introduced themselves but they did 
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Journées du Patrimoine 2013

Le week end prochain, auront lieu les ‘Journées du Patrimoine 2013’. A cette occasion, le site de l’école européenne de Bruxelles IV sera ouvert au public le samedi 14 septembre de 10h à 18h. Vous et vos familles sont les bienvenus à cet événement. Des 
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Journées du Patrimoine 2013

The ‘Journées du Patrimoine 2013’ take place this coming weekend. For the occasion, our school site will be opened on Saturday September 14th from 10h to 18h. You and your families are welcome to participate to the event. Professional guides from the “Laeken Discovery” association 
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