
Community Fund is launched!

At the end of last year, the APEEE created a Community Fund to support student, parent and teacher initiatives in the school. We are pleased to announce that the application forms are now available online together with a guidance note on how to fill them 
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Eureka! has moved…

Have you been looking for the Eureka! room? Wondered where it had gone? Eureka (for primary/nursery) is now situated in the basement of building J, in a small room (J.U1.003) opposite the ICT class. Every Friday morning, parent volunteers will collect items of clothes which 
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Love Limburg

Regular readers will observe that the ‘Love Laeken’ column has been joined this month by another ‘L’ in recognition of the plight of Limburg pear farmers. Russia recently decided to ban the import of certain categories of European fruit in retaliation at EU sanctions directed 
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Queen Astrid Park

Queen Astrid Park, located at the junction at the end of Drève St Anne, is dedicated to the memory of Queen Astrid of Belgium, who died in a motoring accident in Switzerland in 1935. She was born Princess Astrid of Sweden, in 1905 and married 
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Issue 5 – October 2014

Dear Parents The APEEE has had a very busy first month of this school year.  Every rentrée presents logistical challenges for our services and this year has been no exception.  We are aware that some of you are still experiencing issues with the bus transport 
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2nd départ des bus pour les élèves du secondaire

  Chers parents, Le départ, le nombre de bus, la capacité, le trajet des bus de fin de journée scolaire ont été organisé en fonction des informations relatives aux horaires scolaires que l’APEEE a reçu début juillet : – les élèves de MATERNELLE à SEC 2 
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2nd departure bus for secondary students

Dear parents, The departure, the number, the capacity, the route of the buses at the end of the school day were organized according to the information relative to the school schedules that the APEEE received beginning of July: – pupils of NURSERY to SEC 2 
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L’accès à l’école – réunion 18 sept

La nouvelle année scolaire a vu d’importants changements concernant les règles d’accès à l’école, en particulier pour les parents de maternelle. Ces changements ont étés détaillés dans le message de bienvenue de l’école début septembre. Beaucoup de parents ont entre-temps exprimé le souhait de discuter 
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School Access Policy – meeting 18th Sept.

The new school year has brought some substantial changes concerning the access rules to our school, especially for Nursery parents. These changes were detailed by the school in their ‘welcome’ message at the beginning of September. Many parents have now expressed their wish to discuss 
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Message from the APEEE office

  Dear parents, We are aware there are a number of problems this year with the start-up of the APEEE bus transport service. These are due to various reasons , amongst the most important: the new time schedule of the school for which it is 
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