Newsletter Subscription EN

Calling all parents! If you have enjoyed our newsletter and would like to submit an article, or if you have some time to spare & could help with the odd translation please let our editorial team 😉 know. Please note that this is a community 
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Newsletter Subscription FR

Calling all parents! If you have enjoyed our newsletter and would like to submit an article, or if you have some time to spare & could help with the odd translation please let our editorial team 😉 know. Please note that this is a community 
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modification/cancelation of activities

There are some changes to timings as a result of amendments to the school timetable, the following extracurricular activities will be changed: -The Basketball Tuesday planned for S1-S2 (code 2410) will be moved on Thursday and will receive a new code (4418) same schedule, same price.-The 
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activitées modifiées/annulées

Compte tenu du fait que les horaires des secondaires ont été connus qu’en début d’année, le périscolaire doit déplacer les activités suivante : -Le basket du mardi prévu pour les S1-S2 (code 2410) va être déplacé le jeudi et va recevoir un nouveau code : 
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Le programme périscolaire pour le P3-S5 commence le 13 Octobre. Le programme de cette année compte plus que 42 activités. Il est possible de s’inscrire à des activités extra-scolaires tout au long de l’année scolaire! L’APEEE ne peut pas garantir une place sur les deuxièmes départs 
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Extra Curricular Activities

The extra-curricular activites programme is now underway for M1-P2. Next week sees the start of the programme for P3-S5. With 42 activities open this year don’t forget to have a look at the website and see if there is something for you! Please note that 
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Changes to our Comms team

The APEEE Comms team has some new additions after our call for interest. Welcome to the new members of our extended IT group:  Lorraine, Sven and Nora. Carla Sabeva has now taken over as VP Comms. For any questions about the newsletter, or if you can 
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Calling all anglophone singers!

Come and join a choir! Children from the International schools in Brussels have been invited to participate in the 2014 Brussels Carol Concert to be held in the Royal Conservatoire of Brussels (KCB)on Sunday 14 December, at 5pm. Children from EEB4 are welcome to join! 
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Interparents comes to Laeken!

What would you show off to visitors to our school? What do you most want to see when visiting other schools? INTERPARENTS will be meeting at EEBIV on October 6th-7th, hosted by Bru4 APEEE for a second time since our move to the Laeken site. 
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Issue 5 – Octobre 2014

Chers Parents, L’APEEE a eu un premier mois d’année scolaire très chargé. Chaque rentrée apporte son lot de défis logistiques pour nos services et cette année n’a pas été une exception. Nous sommes informés que certains d’entre vous avez eu quelques soucis avec les bus 
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