Pourquoi apprendre le chinois?

L’an dernier, l’école a proposé des cours de Chinois aux élèves du Secondaire. L’ APEEE a été sollicitée pour s’occuper de leur organisation et ces cours font désormais partie de notre programme d’activités périscolaires. Cette année, l’ APEEE propose de nouveau ces cours…alors pourquoi est-ce 
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Why should I learn Chinese?

Last year, the school proposed Chinese lessons to students in Secondary.  The APEEE was asked to take over the organisation and they became part of our extra-curricular activities prgramme.  This year they are again being offered by the APEEE…so why should you/ your child take part? 
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EUREKA! a demenagé

Vous avez cherché la salle Eureka! et vous vous êtes demandé où est-ce qu’elle était passée? Eureka (pour les primaire/maternelle) est située maintenant au sous-sol du bâtiment J, dans une petite salle (J.U1.003) en face de la classe Informatique. Tous les vendredis matin des parents 
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Issue 6 – Novembre 2014

Chers Parents, Nous avons espérons que vous avez bien profité des vacances d’Automne! Ce numéro vous informe des résultats de certaines réunions pédagogiques qui ont eu lieu depuis le début du trimestre, y compris le Conseil d’Education M/P,  les réunions du Groupe de Suivi et 
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Unknown Soldier

  Many people know about the tomb of the unknown French soldier at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. How many people, though, know about the tomb of the unknown French soldier, which can be found here in Laeken? As it is November – the 
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Tree Planting

EEB IV children planting fruit trees for our common future First year primary and nursery school kids planted six fruit trees in October –apple, cherry, pear, plum – in the nursery gardens. This was made possible by a donation from parents and enthusiastic engagement by 
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Join us!

WW1 Exhibition Laeken

To commemorate the Great War of 1914-1918 the History teachers and students at the European School, Brussels 4 are organising an exhibition which will take place in the school in December 1914. The aim of the exhibition is to create an awareness of the Great 
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Budget Meeting EP – 11/11/14

The APEEE of Brussels I (Uccle) has launched a petition to the European Parliament against budget cuts to the European Schools. There are currently various petitions at the EP about European Schools and the system of European Schools, in particular regarding the question of the 
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General Assembly 2014

It’s that time of year again. The General Assembly of the APEEE is approaching. When?  19h00 to 23h00 on Wednesday 10th December 2014. In recent years there has been a tendency for the GA to last until late (or very early am). The CA is 
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