Remerciements Somerfesto 2015

Le Conseil d’Administration de l’APEEE de Bruxelles IV remercie le Comité Somerfesto 2015, les parents volontaires, la Direction de l’Ecole, les professeurs et le personnel de l’APEEE qui ont investi beaucoup de leur temps à la préparation et la réalisation de la Somerfesto 2015. Il faut remercier 
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Science, flowers and murals – what’s the connection?

Over the past few weeks the Community Fund Commitee has been delighted to support a number of projects in the school community. To find out more check out our webpages, or see a summary below! We are also delighted to welcome a new Committee member 
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Laeken – a growing school: what do the numbers say?

The demand for places in the European Brussels schools continues to increase, with 1615 new places sought across the four Brussels based schools. 369 of these places were offered at Laeken and currently 275 places offered have been accepted, 74 places were refused, and in 
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Interparents July 2015 Bulletin

A new marking scale for Secondary, Support for Support Coordinators… and other news from the April 2015 Meeting of the Board of Governors The Spring meeting of the Board of Governors, or BoG, (Prague, April 15-17) has seen decisions taken in a number of key 
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Issue 12 – July 2015

Dear parents In our final newsletter of the 2014 – 2015 school year we bring you news from the pedagogical team on enrolments and interparents as well as updates on the community fund and a message of thanks to those involved in Somerfesto. We also 
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EEB4 Sweatshirts & T-Shirts Look out for our stand at Somerfesto where you will be able to buy our shirts! The sweatshirts have a hood and a front pocket and are offered in 8 vibrant colours: Green, Mauve, Turquoise, Navy Blue, Fuschia, Orange, Royal Blue and Red. The 
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EEB4 Sweatshirts & T-Shirts   Available every last friday of the month from the Eureka! room in the APEEE building. Look out for our stand at Somerfesto where you will be able to buy our shirts – sorry no orders this time! Our new long sleeved 
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Bulgarian language activities

There are two potential slots in the extra-curricular activites programme for Bulgarian language activities for 2015 – 2016 If there is sufficient demand, one group for MAT and one group for PRIMARY could be set up. If you are interested, please contact
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Activités en langue bulgare

Il y a deux possibilités dans le programme d’activités extra-scolaires pour les activités en langue bulgare pour 2015 – 2016. En fonction d’une demande suffisante, un groupe de maternelle et un groupe de primaire pourraient être constitués. Si cela vous intéresse, faites-vous connaître auprès du bureau 
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CFC approves application for science festival

The CFC approved an application for funding of prizes at the Science Fair to take place at the Somerfesto (356.06 euros). Our thanks to Mr Panichelli for organising this opportunity for all children in the school.
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