PAD 2016 edition!

Saturday 28 May saw the third edition of the Performing Arts Day when children enrolled in musical and artistic activites have the oportunity to showcase their skills. This year, as well as recitals on the paino, violin and guitar, we were joined by singers and 
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Board of Governors – April 2016

The APEEE also represents our interests in INTERPARENTS. This month we bring you a report about the meetings and discussions that took place at the April 2016 Board of Governors in Copenhagen. The choral welcome from the highly accomplished chamber choir of the Sankt Anne school, 
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Somerfesto 2016!

Somerfesto 2016 is taking place on 18 June! Please check your emails for details of how to volunteer and how to purchase tickets. You should have received book forms (nirsery/primary) via the agenda. Please note that for security reasons the details are being circulated by 
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Use of IT in our children’s education: Final Call for interest!

Do you have experience and/or expertise which could be useful to the new Working Group devoted to proposing initiatives related to the use of IT in our children’s learning?  If you have relevant background and/or ideas, we want to hear from you now! The inaugural 
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ECA programme for 2016 – 2017 available

The programme for extra-curricular activites for 2016 – 2017 is now on our website. Pease have a look at it here
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Program of extra-curricular activities 2017-18

Extra curricular activities Program 2017-2018 Please click on the links below for the programmes of planned activities and their description. * All prices are calculated based on the number of classes that will take place during the year; * Please note that classes on Wednesdays 
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Cafeteria and student cards – make way for new technology!

Following the Decision of the GA, the canteen team and cafeteria working group have been working hard to ensure we will be able to open the new cafeteria on 1st November 2016. We are targeting the 1st Nov because this is the date by which the 
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Quelques nouvelles de l’ACI…

L’APEEE participe dans les réunions de l’ACI.  Voici quelques nouvelles:
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School Access – Dreve Sainte Anne

As ever growing numbers of pupils arrive at school by foot, bike or car, the urgency to improve access via the Dreve Sainte Anne is ever more pressing. Here is an update on the latest developments from the Health and Safety Working Group.
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Projet Horticulteurs-Donderberg – public hearing

On 27th April, the City of Brussels organised a final public hearing concerning their proposed new school and housing project on rue des Horticulteurs.  This project, which foresees a French speaking school of about 700 pupils (nursery and primary) and about 70 social housings, has 
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