Tasks of the Board

The Board of the Parents Association has two main tasks: representing parents and providing services to parents and children: Representing parents: Members of the Board participate at various school Councils and Boards (e.g. “Conseil d’Administration”, Pedagogical Council etc.) representing the interests of families in the 
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CA 2015 2016

Conseil d’administration et Bureau

BUREAU Présidente Catherine Daguet-Babich president@bru4.eu fr Vice-Présidente affaires administratives Michela Beati vpadmin@bru4.eu it Vice-Presidente affaires pédagogiques  Kristin Dijkstra pedagogie@bru4.eu nl Vice-Presidente information/communications Sophie Weisswange info@bru4.eu fr Sécretaire Gareth Lewis secretariat@bru4.eu en Trésorière Graziella Rizza tresor@bru4.eu it Hygiène et sécurité Iulian Vasile hswg@bru4.eu ro Cantine Tobias Stricker 
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CA 2015 2016

Board and Executive Board members

EXECUTIVE BOARD President Catherine Daguet-Babich  president@bru4.eu fr Vice-President for Administrative Affairs Michela Beati  vpadmin@bru4.eu it Vice-President for Educational Affairs Kristin Dijkstra  pedagogie@bru4.eu nl Vice-President for Information/Communications Sophie Weisswange  info@bru4.eu fr Secretary Gareth Lewis  secretariat@bru4.eu en Treasurer Graziella Rizza  tresor@bru4.eu it Health & Safety Iulian Vasile 
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New Parents

Information for new and prospective parents Have you applied for a place at EEB4? Are you looking for some information on the parents association or just how the school works? Whether you have applied for maternelle or are joining in secondary, this Guide is here 
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Archived Documents

Letter to Commissioner Sefcovic from the four Parents Associations (12/03/2012) Letter from petitioners looking for candidates Reply from President of Parents Association re Agenda for General Assembly (12/01/2012) Message from President (Association) (10/01/2012) Reply from Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic (22/12/2011) Reply from petitioners to 
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News et Information générale

INFORMATIONS Information for new and prospective parents Have you applied for a place at EEB4? Are you looking for some information on the parents association or just how the school works? Whether you have applied for maternelle or are joining in secondary, this Guide is 
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Archived Documents FR

Lettre au Vice Président de la Commission (12/03/2012) Lettre cherchant des candidates Réponse du Président de l’APEEE au sujet du Assemblé Général (12/01/2012) Message du Président (APEEE) (10/01/2012) Réponse  du Vice President Maros Sefcovic (22/12/2011) Réponse concernant la lettre de Mrs. Christmann (05/12/2011) Lettre de 
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Transport Enrolment for the school year 2011-2012 is closed. There will be no more changes to stops or timetables for this school  year.
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The Canteen

  The Canteen
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The Parents Association

The Parents Association
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